OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 14th, 2020

As such, I might occasionally want to see a love between two people who aren't lesbians. Even Rin-chan in Friendship isn't a lesbian (probably).

In theory, it's fine that people would all have their own reasons for falling in love, but maybe I expect a definite reason because in my mind, I've established it as the epitome of storytelling... But it's super tough to create that kind of drama in a song...

When I see a man and a woman in a movie or something just sorta become an item by being together, I'm like "And why did that happen?!", so I'm gradually forgetting my basic instincts as a living being... Yes, I am a new species... Scientific name: Otaku Unpleasablus...

Be it gay, lesbian, or straight, what's important to me isn't so much their genders, but in what way they need each other. Ideally, the feminine or masculine qualities involved therein are just a nice seasoning on top... Just talking about my personal tastes...

And an obligatory please listen to this.
[VOCALOID] Friendship [Kagamine Rin]

To repeat something I've brought up 5 billion times, I like yuri where they're not concerned about both being girls. Thank you in advance.

It might not be long before referencing early NicoNico memes get you called an internet old-timer... Gotta keep updating.

If only I had the Face Shield,
I'd be able to protect against Aerosol with ease
But as much as I try, as much as I try,
I can't beat Corona Man

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