OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

March 31st, 2020

If the world didn't even allow us to laugh, it'd be all over.

For April Fool's, let's tell jokes instead of lies.

Uneasy times are exactly when you want those dear to you as your side encouraging you, so an illness that robs you of even that and eats away at you mentally is too scary... Even the curable starts to feel incurable...

Having surgery and being hospitalized while visiting was forbidden due to coronavirus, then spending a week not meeting anyone cramped behind a curtain, made me experience plenty of loneliness and anxiety. So I'm unbearably aware how hard it is to be kept from meeting those important to you while not even knowing if things will get better... It's painful... I want it to be resolved soon.

"The emptiness of you being gone, I'll fill with my unforgettable memories with you" is too tragic... Why... How could such a thing happen... I'm making a Kaiji face...

Listening to this song at a time when I'm often conscious of people dying, and being separated from those important to me, made me cry enough while driving that I almost couldn't see in front of me, so they should make a law against listening to this song while driving.
Love Song, by Sambomaster

I'm adolescent, so when I take in a love song, it makes me wanna make a love song.

It's kinda depressing thinking how I can only go to the supermarket and the hospital, but in the world of music, I can go anywhere... Way to go...

The early hospital-going girl gets the worm.

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