OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

March 10th, 2020

The day I've long been awaiting but never wanted to come is nearly at hand... But if it's already here, now I just need to endure. Simple...

Not getting as much work done as I thought... :crying: Tomorrow's my last day in this life, so I'll do my best not to leave any regrets...

My wishlist is gradually clearing out, and I'm seriously grateful... Thank you very much...

People who don't like spicy food often misinterpret me, but it's not like I eat spicy things as a joke. I eat them because they're delicious.

Huh, wait, the wagyu beef got bought?! Wagyu...!!!! Thank you, minister of wagyu... :crying: :crying: :crying: :folded hands:

Once, a fellow flat-chested friend told me how her chest shrank after childbirth, and I immediately blurted out "Even smaller?!" (We laughed about it a lot afterward)

Huh, what do I want, indeed...? What do you think I want...???? Boobs!!!!!

Even when I'm asked what I want, I answer "wagyu beef"... I have no greed... Only an appetite...

RT @itsuii98981 It's just food!!!!!
There was a cushion and stuff at first!!!!!! I swear, Totoro was really there!!!

[Retweeting wishlist] Stuff like the cushion that could help with my back and the bath salt was quickly snapped up, turning it into a simple glutton's wishlist...

The Gator Who Dies If They Don't Use augs

Isn't the Kiritan song amazing?! There's hardly any time to relax!!! It's the song of a diseased person who has to constantly be doing something weird or they die...

The Kiritan song's more popular on NicoNico than YouTube! Interesting how it differs depending on the song.

Someone bought the cushion on my wishlist?! I didn't get a notification?!

I've really gotten a clear picture of how I'm only thinking about food...

That time I made a wishlist and most of it ended up being food... :bowing woman: :bowing woman: :bowing woman: [Link to an Amazon wishlist, which is empty by now.]

I guess I probably should make a wishlist... :crying: :tears:

As I look over medical bills, I'm thinking "If I had this money, I could've eaten lots of delicious things at a fancy restaurant..." and making myself sad.

While taking care of surgery paperwork, my heart pounded so much that my stomach started hurting... I'm way too much of a chicken.

For people who don't have them yet, I've also got CDs! (direct marketing)

Sorry if that earlier series of tweets felt like I'm urging you to support me on Fanbox... :woman bowing: (I did gain supporters :heart:) But if you just saw that and simply thought "I want to support her," then I'll simply say "thank you." :heart:

Since you never know what'll happen in life, it's scary to think how you don't know when you might lose the things you have now. I know when that happens, no matter how painful it is, I'll just have to accept it and keep living, but it's horribly exhausting every time, so I just want to live peacefully...

I never want to make an announcement like "I'm quitting music to work at a desk job"! lol... I hope such a day never comes...

So out of a desire for everyone to know more about what I find beautiful, I make all sorts of videos, but I've only just started, and I'll be happy if I can slowly permeate through society! I'll continue to do my best.

What people think, what they enjoy, and what they spend money on is completely up to them, and I know all I can do is try to become an important presence to those people, but still! I get uneasy sometimes too, bein' human and all. :adult:

I want to always make music, and I'll continue to put in the effort to make that happen, but I don't want people to go like "she'll probably keep creating even if I ignore her." Not just for me, but for all creators in the world...

I've felt iffy about that for years, and finally hit the point of being able to say it.

Just because you keep working hard doesn't mean you'll be seen, and I'm sure my difficulties making opportunites for my name to be seen come from my own lack of effort and ability. But if you happen to see my name again after a long time and say I "revived" as if I wasn't active the whole time, that just makes me feel lonely, okay?!

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