OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

March 7th, 2020

murmur twins from O to W contains all the components humans need to live. It can't cure cancer yet, but it will.

Until a month ago, I was thinking "Can't I get up to 30,000 followers? :heart:", yet 40,000 is in sight now. Life is amazing... Nice round numbers! :heart:

I'm serious.

I want to be invited by a lecturer at a music vocational school or something, and when the curtains rise, loudly speak "Please aggress my areolas" and get banned. [Probably based on "semeru" (attack) being usable both in a musical sense and in a sex way.]

If I can brag a little, I'm in Guinness as the person who makes the world's most OSTER-san-like music.

It's pleasant when both you and others are in a mindset where you can casually praise people!

Everyone seems to think living is just ordinary, but all kinds of anxieties and suffering befalls you endlessly just in the act of living, so I think being able to keep piling on day after day amid that is a really amazing thing.

Also, people think I must absolutely love thrill rides, but I can't handle them... The problem is that they really scare me every time, but people think I'm really seeking that kind of stimulus... I guess they would... (i like spicy food)

Huh?! You're great just for living! But on top of that, you work, and make a living only on the money you earn?! Isn't that too incredible?! Can I get a Nobel Amazing Prize?!?!

I wonder, is an only child characterized by acting free and selfish?

Is there not some better Japanese than "douyou ni tashika rashii"? I feel like there are probably people who don't feel comfortable with probability thanks to that bizarre phrase... I was always super bad with probability...

Isn't it tough remembering what's eldest-daughterness and second-daughterness and youngest-daughterness? I managed to learn blood personality types, but there's so much to learn. I'm me-esque. They're similar-esque. ["Douyou ni tashika rashii," a phrase meaning "they're equally likely," that uses the same "rashii" I'm translating as "-esque."]

While out drinking last night, I was told I'm eldest-daughter-esque, but I'm a second daughter. Good morning.

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