OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

February 16th, 2020

Yeah, you're gonna be a whale, all right!!

I've got like 3 times the shoulder width of Rin-chan.

[Screenshot of a lyrics page for Whale Rider, then again with dramatic lines pointing out the credits: "Lyrics: OSTER project, Composition: OSTER project, Vocals: OSTER project"]
OSTER project is Rin-chan Theory

Maybe that's just the way my basic sense of tempo is... When I try to comfort someone, it ends up sounding like seduction. Messed up. I'm so messed up, man.

When I try to write a lyric like "Trust your friends, and let's overcome it together," I reeeeeally agonize over it, but if it's a lyric like "Become mine tonight, seƱorita," I could think of endless variations with different word usage. I'm so messed up.

Give This Relation A Name
PERFECT FIFTH (best buds)

[Re: the Fuwacina tweet:] I didn't think this tweet would get so many likes, but I'm kinda happy. Call me Fuwacina-san. :smiling:

Gonna use that late-night energy to start on lyrics work.

I finished the music part of a flat five lecture in the blink of an eye, just about two hours... You can really bang it out when it's something you like.

I was thinking of using your cafe-latte-tier Fanbox support to buy a cafe latte from 7/11, but the machine was under maintenance...

king GNU's Not Unix

When I'm calling a friend and start making up some weird song on the spot, they suspect me, going "Did you really make all those songs???"

I also wanna do slash chords.

Lecture videos I'm currently thinking of making:
- Suspenseful diminisheds
- Half-diminished, leader of the tragic crew
- Light and darkness in one! Is it friend or foe? The Sharp Ninth!
- What is "OSTER style," ultimately?
- Using a blues scale to smoke fresh frog meat with sakura chips

Ageha27paramina: "Isn't your Toro Puzzle name Fuwacina?"
[Screenshot of trying to enter "Fuwacina" in Toro Puzzle name entry. Screenshot of error message "You can't enter that word." Meme of cat holding a wired phone going "Why"]

Though of course, my longest-time fans call me by my real name. (audience laughs warmly)

I really like how much of a long-time-fan sense I get from people who still call me Fuwacina. Recent followers might not know, but it's short for Fuwafuwa Cinnamon. I'm still Fuwacina in credits as a video creator. Out of an impure motive to make it feel like there's more names in the credits.

I think nothing in life is useless, and hardship means bearing with it until you can find meaning in what can be thought of as useless. At the very least, that's the rule I have in my life. You're not suffering to the end, you're suffering through.

If people who live their lives the same way attract each other, if I do my best to be wonderful, then the harder I try, the more wonderful the people I'll meet in the future will be. That's an amazing thing.

And I'm also happy if it's not just me, but the other person feels a similar satisfaction.

The longer you live for and the more things you try, the more events happen in the process and the more feelings you get, and sometimes you're able to form an understanding with someone because you've had those experiences. Those moments make me happy, as validation for trying my best all this time.

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