OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 9th, 2020

The foods I used for my tier names are all big favorites of mine, but lately, my favorite cafe latte [lowest tier, 300 yen] is a cafe latte you take from the freezer in 7-11 and bring to the register. The ones at 7-11 are delicious...

Chateaubriand!! Chateaubriand!!! Chateaubriand!!! [Likely referring to the top 5000-yen tier of her Fanbox.]

[Kuro: "OSTER, your new title is "Protector of Happy Paydays"! How's that, mya?"]

Today was my first studio visit of the year. Hope I can go into studios a lot again this year.

I haven't put up anything yet, but thank you for lots of support! :crying: :prayer hands: I'll do my best to update. :flex:

[Announcement] I've opened a Pixiv Fanbox! :tada: I plan to have subscriber content like past instrumental songs and more! Please give me your support... :woman bowing:

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