Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority- (Kimi ga Shine) is a freeware negotiation/horror/adventure game by Nankidai made in RPG Maker MV. Currently, it goes up to Chapter 3, Part One (Section B). It will be released a part at a time.
Sara Chidouin returns home from school late one night to discover that something's gone terribly wrong.
When she comes to, she finds herself, her friend Joe, and 9 other people trapped in a mysterious place.
Placed in life-and-death situations, they must come to an agreement about what they should do - and who should die.
WARNING: This game contains plenty of death and blood, and deals with heavy subject matter. Discretion is strongly advised.
(Content Severity: Severe)
Click here for content warnings.
Many depictions of death with blood and some gore.
People dying to all kinds of deathtraps.
Characters dealing with death-related trauma.
Characters having hallucinations from trauma.
Implied abusive relationships.
A few moments involving a character being stalked.
An optional and easily-avoidable bad ending involving mindbreak.
Some elements of body horror.
Some pseudo-jumpscares.
Play Your Turn To Die (In-Browser) (Up To Chapter 3 Part 1-B)
(Also playable on mobile devices using touch controls. Do a two-finger tap to cancel or close menus.)
(Browser version may load slowly, fail to load things, and even break when there's heavy traffic. Please be patient if so!)
You can manage your browser save data here.
Download Your Turn To Die (Up To Chapter 3 Part 1-B) | (Mirror)
(Chrome may falsely flag the download as malicious, but it's safe to ignore.)
Your Turn To Die is now available on Steam.
The game will remain free here, but the Steam version has some exclusive content.
Steam will also receive the final part of the story first once it's done, with the free version only getting it later.
Play Your Time To Shine: Island Existence (In-Browser)
(A bonus management sim side-game. It contains spoilers for various things up through Chapter 3, Part One.
It is currently a "Test Version" with two protagonist choices; everyone is planned to be selectable eventually.)
You can manage your browser save data here.
Download Your Time To Shine: Island Existence | (Mirror)
(Chrome may falsely flag the download as malicious, but it's safe to ignore.)
Warning: This game does not auto-save, and has no continue option on game overs other than loading a save, so be sure to save regularly. If you forget to save for a long time and lose progress, the Chapters function will at least let you start from the beginning of each chapter/part.
When downloading the standalone version, make sure to extract the game to its own folder instead of running directly from the ZIP file. If you don't do so, any saves made will be lost the next time you run the game. (Saves are in the "www" > "save" folder; if downloading a new version, transfer this folder to keep your saves.)
Saves for the browser version are stored in your browser's Local Storage. They should persist across sessions. However, they may get erased if you clear your browser history in a way that wipes Local Storage, or are using browser settings (or something like incognito mode) that don't save Local Storage. If you want to be extra safe, you can use the browser save manager page to make file backups.
Supported Platforms
The browser versions should work in most web browsers on any platform.
The standalone downloads are generally for Windows only. However, if you're on a non-Windows desktop computer, there is a process that will allow you to play in a browser using the local files. Refer to the included "Run-In-Browser Instructions" file for details.

Walkthroughs for each part, and guides for the Island Existence side-game. Click or highlight the white boxes to show spoiler text.
Chapter 1, Part One
Touch the screen a few times.
Check the pond and the window with the lights on. Check the gate, then the shadow that appears there after a few seconds. Move to the Path Home. Check the poster and streetlight. Check the shadowy figure.
Move to Inside House. Move to the Living Room. Turn on the light switch in the top-right. Pick up the Room Key. Move back to Inside House. Go up to the 2nd Floor Room. Use the Room Key on the door, then touch the door.
The First Trial
Naturally, you'll get a game over if you run out of time.
Attempt to use the key on the lock. Examine the key in your inventory to notice the green showing at the end. Check the hanging sandpaper to whittle the key down, and use the green key on the lock.
Look at the left, middle, and right groups. Check the middle group again.
Touch the Blond Man's face to choose his topic. Talk to everyone (using Extract) as they're available to get their introductions. Talk to the Frightened Girl and choose "Gently calm her down." Once you've spoken with everyone else, talk to the Frightened Girl again.
Go to the Cafeteria (last "???" from the Central Hall) and take the Lighter and Dart.
Go to the Back of Cafeteria. Check the door and enter. Check the right stuffed animals in the Pink Room for Dummy Bullets.
In the Smoking Area Hallway (second "???" from the Central Hall), check the vending machine to find a Cigar.
Go to the Game Room, then the Blue Room. Check the doll sitting on the chair up top for the Revolver, and talk to Keiji for the Live Bullets.
After giving the Dummy Bullets to Keiji for inspection, try to leave the Blue Room.
Decide Challenger
Choose Q-taro's topic.
Talk to Joe to unlock the VS (Conflict) command. Use VS to contrast Keiji and Q-taro's statements.
Talk to Keiji and pick "Why are you silent?" Use VS to contrast Keiji's new statement with Q-taro's.
In the war of words, you need at least 3 rebuttals to win favor. The correct statements to object to are "got no experience," "leave it to Keiji," "got confidence," "puttin' everything on Sara," and "shootin' her own friend." However, you advance regardless of whether you "win" this.
Russian Roulette
You should save before starting in case of a game over.
The way to guarantee victory is to place the bullets around the circle in a repeating pattern: Dummy, dummy, live, dummy, dummy, live, dummy, dummy, live.
When you start, begin by shooting the dolls. Once you encounter the first live bullet, you now know where you are in the pattern (namely, that the next two bullets will be dummies, then another live, etc.) and can start using the dummy bullets on the humans.
A possible example: Shoot doll (dummy). Shoot doll (live). Shoot human (dummy). Shoot human (dummy). Shoot doll (live). Shoot human (dummy). Shoot human (dummy). Then shoot the remaining dolls.
Search 2
In the Bar, move the rightmost stool and open the sliding door on the side of the counter. Look inside for the Cigar Cutter and Right Leg.
Keep talking to Mishima in the Bar to give him the Cigar, Cigar Cutter, and Lighter. Talk to him again, and he'll discover the 1000-Yen Bill. Put the 1000-Yen Bill in the Passage to Bar vending machine for the Left Arm.
Inspect the Dart or Revolver in your inventory, then choose to combine them. Use the dart-loaded Revolver on the dartboard in the Game Room to win the Left Leg. (If you lose the Dart by throwing it, it reappears in the Cafeteria.)
Once you have all the limbs, go to the Back of Cafeteria, open the door, and attach the parts to the torso.
Chapter 1, Part Two
Try to leave the room. Check on Nao. Go to the Cafeteria and talk to Kai. Pick up the glowing object under the table.
Go to the Central Hall and talk to Sou. Return to Back of Cafeteria and move into the Hidden Room. Inspect the object on the table.
Talk to Reko/Kanna in the Passage to Bar, and Reko will ask you to find clothes for Kanna. Talk to Joe in the Bar. Go to the Blue Room to get some clothes, and bring them back to Reko in the Passage to Bar.
After checking the Hidden Room, talking to Joe, and giving Kanna the clothes, go to the Game Room and you'll see a figure. Follow them into the Red Room.
Red Room
Select the Lighter and light the candle on the left. Pick up the Torn Paper on the table. Pick up the Bottle on the top-right shelf.
Check the box on top of the bookcase, then the books, then the box again for the Two Needles. Use the Two Needles on the clock, and set it to the right time for a Phillips Screwdriver. It's 5:15; hour hand to 5, minute hand to 3.
If you lit the candle and picked up the Bottle, the teddy bear should be crying. Wipe its tears with the Torn Paper to get the Flathead Screwdriver. Use the Tools (Flathead Screwdriver) to open the box on the right for an Allen Wrench.
Use the Tools on the now-bloody floor tile on the left. Pour in the contents of the Bottle, and take the Nail Puller that floats up.
With all four tools collected, use the Tools to remove the painting from the wall. Open the locker. Check the person. Leave and go to the Pink Room. Afterward, go to the Central Hall.
Search 2
Enter the "Ro" door. Move to go down the ladder. Check the monitor. You can die in this minigame, so it's recommended you save first. Press the green button to begin.
Hold the green button to fill the bar whenever there aren't masks. When masks appear, let go before their eyes open, touch them to repel them, then resume holding the green button. Three hits is a game over. (Note that each face appears on a set "cycle," speeding up as you progress. So when you repel them is irrelevant to when they reappear.)
Return to the Central Hall. Go to the Hidden Room and check on Sou. Look at the desk, then choose to check under it. Go to the Bar. (Optionally, talk to Kai in the Cafeteria on the way.)
Choose Threat and pick either option.
Choose Inquire and ask his name and occupation.
Choose Pacify and ask what he has to say.
Choose Pacify and speak calmly.
Choose Threat and pick "coolly."
Choose Inquire and ask about the kidnappers and why he was hiding.
Choose Pacify and ask what he has to say.
Choose Threat and pick "coolly."
Choose Pacify and speak calmly.
Choose Threat and pick "hotly."
Choose Inquire and ask about the sounds, then if he'll help.
Search 3
Go to the second floor and enter the "Mir" room. Tear the wallpaper off the right window. Take the left Light Bulb from the ceiling and place it in the ceiling hole on the right. Take a Flower from the left vase and place it in the right vase.
Go to the red "Sp" room on 2F and fill the Bottle with hot water. (If you messed with the scale already, the water may be in the yellow "Sp" room instead.) Back in the mirror room, select the Bottle and pour it on the left ice sculpture.
Switch the weight on the left scales, then go to the red "Sp" room to get the Bath Stopper from the drained bath. In the mirror room, place the Bath Stopper on the left scales to balance them.
Hang up the Painting (the one from the Red Room, picturing a man) just to the right of the gun painting on the left side. Take the gun paintings from both sides. Hang them back up in the opposite positions: the one labeled "Left" on the right side, the one labeled "Right" on the left side. (The "flip over" option is unnecessary.) The end result should be the left gun facing right, and the right gun facing left, which triggers a scene.
Pick up the Spray. Use it on the clean left mirror to make it blurry. Go down to the Blue Room and take the doll you find there. Place the doll in front of one mirror, then check the other mirror and stand in front of it.
Exit and go to the newly-opened 2F Back Hallway. Pick up the Kitchen Key. Go down to the Cafeteria, unlock the door, and enter the Kitchen.
Check the counters to find the Long Narrow Box. Check Nao. After Nao leaves, check the box that remains.
Go to 2F Back Hallway. Enter the codes to open the black and white doors and enter each. From the Long Narrow Box: 380 for black, 612 for white. In the Black Room, check the paper shredder. In the White Room, check the chain.
Go back to the 2F Landing for a scene. Go to the Bar and talk to Joe. Go to the Central Hall, then go to 2F Back Hallway and check the center door.
Check the screen twice, then the food, then the screen. (Incidentally, if you check the screen again and choose to not leave, it's a game over.) Move to the Main Game Grounds.
Main Game
During the Main Game, you start with 100 Clout, lose 10 for taking wrong discussion actions, and regain 20 for correct ones. If you run out of Clout, you get a game over.
Choosing Sou's topic at the start is optional; if skipped, it'll come up later instead. Either way, choose Q-taro's topic.
Talk to Gonbee for a new statement. Use Item to present the Long Narrow Box to him.
Talk to Kanna for a new statement. Contrast Kanna's new statement with Q-taro's.
Talk to Reko for a new statement. Contrast Reko's new statement with Q-taro's.
In the Balance Battle, affirm Q-taro's "if you're silent," deny Gin's "didn't see anything," and deny Gin's "Reko's got it wrong." (If you make three wrong choices, the battle is sent back to the first "stage.")
Talk to Gin and ask if he has the letter. Present the Torn Paper to him.
Select Reko.
Present the Long Narrow Box to Nao.
Talk to Keiji for a new statement. Contrast Keiji's new statement with Nao's.
Talk to Joe. Talk to Nao and ask either option. Contrast Nao and Joe's new statements.
Talk to Nao. In the Balance Battle, affirm Nao's "couldn't open the kitchen," affirm Nao's "it was thrown," deny Kai's "I would need a weakness," deny Nao's "had it out for Sou," and affirm Kai's "to steal something."
Talk to Sou, and Joe will speak up. Contrast Sou and Joe's statements.
In the war of words, you need at least 4 rebuttals to win favor. The correct statements to object to are "Sara's in on it," "sent to a single person," "those three," "Joe would be involved too," and "after all this." However, you advance regardless of whether you "win" this.
Final Round
Choose Keiji's topic.
Talk to Joe and have him add his statement. Talk to Gin and have him add his statement. Contrast Joe and Gin's statements.
Talk to Nao and have her add her statement. Talk to Keiji and say there is a way. Contrast Nao and Keiji's statements.
As indicated, any wrong answer here will be a game over. Present Rulebook 2 to Kai.
Chapter 2, Part One
There are a number of different options to take and events that can happen in this part. The following sections give information on the various elements throughout. Note that they may spoil you on what can potentially happen.
Hallucination Level
There are instances throughout the part, generally related to remembering Joe, that cause this to increase. A few are unavoidable (the intro puts you at 20), but most are from choosing a particular choice.
Every time the level goes up, you see a hallucination scene. This happens every time for a total of five scenes, the last being a bad ending. You'll only get that far if you hit every single opportunity and never reset the level.
After unlocking the Medical Office and looking at Joe in the glass there (you're eventually forced to do so on Day 2, Noon), Safalin offers you use of a machine that resets the Hallucination Level to 0. You can use it up to twice with only minor impact, but if you use it a third time, you get a bad ending.
Negotiations and Tokens
Your options for each negotiation segment are set in stone, with only slight variation depending on previous actions.
Day 1, Morning
Keiji: +20 Keiji, -20 Sara
Gin: +10 Gin
Alice: Discussion about Reko's treasure, agreement to bring him 20 Reko tokens by Day 2, Morning
Day 1, Noon
Kanna: Discussion
Reko/Nao: -20 Sara, and choice of +20 Reko or +20 Nao
Day 1, Night
Q-taro: +20 Q-taro, -20 Sara
Reko: Discussion
Gin: +30 Gin
Day 2, Morning
Sou/Kanna: Discussion
Nao: Discussion
Alice (if you discussed Reko's treasure): -20 Reko and treasure-buying scene (can also give Alice the tokens the day before)
Day 2, Noon
Q-taro: Discussion
Nao: +30 Nao, -30 Sara
Reko (if you haven't done Stay On Target with Reko): +30 Reko, -30 Sara
Day 2, Night
Keiji: Discussion
Gin: +20 Gin
Day 3, Morning
Q-taro: +40 Q-taro, -10 or -20 Sara (-10 if you already traded 10 by doing an attraction with him). This leads to a bad ending, though you can go buy his personal info afterward - just avoid the Long Stairs.
Any attraction with Q-taro: +10 Q-taro, -10 Sara (only once, and must have 10 Sara tokens)
Stay On Target with Reko: +30 Reko (removes Reko from Day 2 Noon negotiations, and she's only available as a partner prior to then - basically, you can't do both)
Buying Prizes
At the Prize Exchange, you can spend 50 character tokens for that character's personal information, 20 tokens for a victim video (three in all), 30 tokens for Clear Chips (up to two, must be bought during "attraction time"), and 10 tokens for the Easy Ticket (makes attractions easier).
In practice, you can only actually get enough for personal info on Nao, Q-taro, Reko, and Gin. As for how many of those you can get in one run, it boils down to Nao vs. Reko (since all their trade opportunities have you choose one of those two) and Q-taro vs. Gin (since a necessary Q-taro trade and a necessary Gin trade overlap).
Most of the purchases don't have a lasting impact on anything. (And how many tokens you end with has only minor effects on Chapter 2, Part Two.) However, buying Clear Chips will let you skip doing one or two attractions - once you hit 10, you'll advance to the end.
Note that the victim video Nao buys and watches with you on the night of Day 2 is not any of the three you can buy.
Attraction Mechanics and Minigame Tips
There are up to 9 day segments and 9 attractions, and you can't repeat attractions. You get 1 Clear Chip from every attraction except Memory Dance, which gets you 2. This means that "normally," you have to do every attraction to reach 10 - however, you can accept an extra Clear Chip from the Room of Lies, and buy two more from the shop, letting you skip a few attractions.
Each attraction has a choice between three partners that offer different bonuses, effectively serving as difficulty levels. You're free to choose whoever you want, as it doesn't matter who gets Clear Chips - it always works out in the end. You can also buy the Easy Ticket from the Prize Exchange for 10 tokens to make the games easier.
Note that in most games, you start by controlling Sara, then switch to your partner if you run out of health. I list any notable "effects" Sara has on her own for comparison, the bonuses given by each partner, and the effects of the Easy Ticket. Most partner bonuses are for when you're controlling that partner, so I only note when this is not the case (i.e. effective only when controlling Sara, or effective with either character).
If you're using a laptop touchpad or having trouble with rapid clicking, it's recommended you go into Options and enable Minigame Auto-Click, which modifies all minigames to remove most of the clicking.
Memory Dance
Sara: At 2 health, memorizes the first 3 or 4 moves (3 for first two opponents, 4 for third). At 1 health, she remembers one extra (4 or 5).
Kanna: Partial memorization - remembers the first couple moves, a random amount up to half of the total number. (Hard)
Reko: Memorizes latter half of moves. As either character, can touch icon to have her perfectly recall moves a single time. (Normal)
Gin: While Sara is up, gives her back 1 health after each opponent. Touching icon also recovers, once per opponent. With Gin up, he memorizes the first 3 moves at 3 health, first 5 at 2 health, and first 7 at 1 health. (Hard)
Easy Ticket: Reveals moves from the 4th onward. Applied on top of character memorization.
The first opponent does 3 random moves. (As a rule, even when doing "random moves," none of the opponents will ever do the same move twice in a row, for the sake of visual clarity.)
The second opponent starts with either Left Right Left Right, or Right Left Right Left. Following that are 1 to 4 (increases each round) random moves.
The third opponent behaves differently between rounds. The first round is 7 random moves.
The second round is always Up Right Down Left Up Left Down Right Up Body.
The last two rounds are 6 purely-random directions separated by Body each time. For instance: Left (Body) Right (Body) Right (Body) Down (Body) Up (Body) Left. (Note that you can get the same direction "twice in a row" here.) Because of this pattern, you only actually need to memorize the directions.
If you have trouble memorizing the moves, I suggest making short-form notes of what they are as they happen (i.e. typing "ubdblbrb"). Remember, there's no time pressure to execute the dance.
Charge Card Battle
Sara: Reveals 1 random opponent card.
Keiji: Every other turn, reveals the opponent's first 2 cards. (Easy)
Q-taro: Beam deals 25% more damage. (Hard)
Gin: While Sara is up, restores 1 health every 3 turns. Touching icon also recovers, once per opponent. (Normal)
Opponent 1 AI
Card 1: If at 0 energy, 50/50 between Charge and Block. Otherwise, 33/66 between Charge and Block.
Card 2: 50/50 between Charge and Block.
Card 3: If 3 energy at this point, 50/50 between Beam and Special. Otherwise, Charge.
The first opponent never picks an attack card for Cards 1/2, only Card 3. Thus, you'll never take damage if you pick Block as your third card.
Opponent 2 AI
Card 1: Charge.
Card 2: If 3 energy at this point, Special. Otherwise, Beam.
Card 3: If 3 energy at this point, 50/50 between Beam and Special. If 1 or 2 energy at this point, 60/20/20 between Beam, Charge, and Block. Otherwise, Charge.
The second opponent always picks Charge as Card 1 and an attack as Card 2, so be sure to pick Block (or Special, if they won't reach 3 energy) as your second card. If they're out of energy by Card 3, you know you're safe from attack on Card 3.
Opponent 3 AI
Card 1: Player at 0 energy, opponent at 1+ energy: 66/33 between Beam and Charge. Player at 0 energy, opponent at 0 energy: Charge. Player at 1+ energy: 75/25 between Charge and Block.
Card 2: If 3 energy at this point, 33/33/33 between Charge, Special, and Block. If 1 or 2 energy at this point, 33/33/33 between Charge, Beam, and Block. Otherwise, Charge.
Card 3: If 3 energy at this point, 33/33/33 between Charge, Special, and Block. If 1 or 2 energy at this point, 33/33/33 between Charge, Beam, and Block. Otherwise, Charge.
The third opponent will only attack on Card 1 if you're at 0 energy. After that, they're pretty much purely random, though will always Charge (and not Block) if at 0 energy, and will opt for Special over Beam if they have the energy for it.
Keiji: Makes attack timing easier (can be slightly below the success line). (Easy)
Q-taro: Arm moves twice as much on success. (Normal)
Alice: Less mashing necessary for defense. (Normal)
Fly Swatter
Kanna: Fewer enemies. (Normal)
Nao: More time before being attacked. (Normal)
Gin: While Sara is up, gives her back 1 health after each opponent. Touching icon also recovers, once per opponent. (Normal)
Quick Draw
Sou: Reveals the correct weapon in advance. (Easy)
Reko: Enemy draws slower after signal. (Normal)
Nao: Gives warning 1 second before signal. (Easy)
Easy Ticket: Reveals the correct weapon in advance. (Same as Sou's ability.)
Runaway Minecart
Q-taro: Attack power up - destroys walls and screws in fewer taps. (Hard)
Sou: Increases cart speed. (Normal)
Gin: Doubles odds of speed-up icons appearing. (Easy)
Easy Ticket: Increases cart speed. (Stacks with Sou's ability.)
The "events" are simply random chance between the four, with Gin's ability doubling the weight of speed-ups. Not much else to it.
Hide and Seek
Keiji: No energy drain over time. (Normal)
Kanna: Energy increases faster. (Normal)
Alice: Warns 1 second before enemies turn. (Easy)
Easy Ticket: Energy increases faster. (Stacks with Kanna's ability.)
The enemies increase in number as you finish each lever, so getting all the bars near full before finishing one will mean you need to deal with the additional enemies less. Due to the energy drain, though, this is less effective unless you're controlling Keiji.
Spirit Shutter
Keiji: No energy drain over time. (Normal)
Reko: Warns before ghosts appear. (Easy)
Nao: Increases energy gained from spirits. (Normal)
Easy Ticket: Increases energy gained from spirits. (Stacks with Nao's ability.)
Stay On Target
Sou: Increases charge speed. (Normal)
Reko: Target moves slower. (Easy)
[Warning: Reko can't be picked for this game after Day 2, Noon.]
Alice: One extra health. (Normal)
Easy Ticket: Switches to easier patterns and increases charge speed. (Stacks with Sou's ability.)
The exact mechanics are that the movement starts once you start touching the area, the bar goes up as long as you're holding, and you take damage if the cursor leaves the area afterward. You can let go, but this will stop the charging, and you must keep the mouse cursor inside. (If using a touch screen, the internal cursor will "stay behind" at where you last touched.)
If you enable Minigame Auto-Click in Options, you just need to click once to initiate the movement, then keep your cursor inside the bounds, with no need to keep the button held.
Go to the Lobby and talk to the people there. Optionally, you can then go to the Ruined Corridor and talk to Q-taro, and go to the Relaxation Room and talk to Alice.
Go to the Monitor Room and check the second monitor from the right on the middle row. Then check it again. Move to the Prize Exchange and check the receptionist.
Day 1, Morning
Move to the Monitor Room and inspect the cracked monitor. Go to the Ruined Corridor and check the beanie.
Choose any of the three attractions and whichever partner you want. For tips on each minigame, consult "Attraction Mechanics and Minigame Tips" up above. Note that losing the minigames is a game over, so always save first.
After the attraction, you'll find Sou. Inspect him and the plank on the bed.
You can select whoever you want to negotiate token trades with, or choose not to negotiate. Consult "Negotiations and Tokens" for a reference on the choices. You can "Hear a short pitch" without committing to a choice. But if you choose "Discuss," you're locked in; trade discussions give the option to refuse, but if you do so, you won't get to pick someone else.
After negotiations, go to the Monitor Room and check on Nao. Choosing "If I were in that situation..." will add 20 to your Hallucination Level. Afterward, leave the room.
Day 1, Noon
Notably, you can ask Mishima questions in the Monitor Room during this segment.
Check on Q-taro and Ranger in the Lobby.
Go to the Monitor Room and Relaxation Room to reveal three more attractions at each. After opening both, choose to do one of the attractions you haven't done yet (or buy a Clear Chip to skip). Afterward, negotiate with whoever you want.
In the medical office, check on the group twice. If you look at what Gin hides, it adds 30 to your Hallucination Level.
Day 1, Night
At this point, you can optionally return to the Medical Office and look at the figure in the glass. This adds 20 to your Hallucination Level. But by returning again and talking to Safalin, she'll let you use a machine to reset it to 0. You can use it twice; the third use leads to a bad ending.
Talk to Reko in the Lobby. Inspect the vending machine.
Do one of the attractions/buy a Clear Chip, then negotiations.
Check the newly-broken monitor.
Day 2, Morning
Talk to Reko in the Lobby. Check the switch on the wall. Enter the door. Check what's on the table and take it.
Regarding the choice: It's perfectly fine to accept a Clear Chip from the Room of Lies. The only issue is if you want to see the optional scene on Day 3, Night, since accepting the extra chip may cause you to reach 10 Clear Chips early and skip past it.
Do one of the attractions/buy a Clear Chip, then negotiations.
Day 2, Noon
Talk to Kanna in the Lobby. Go to the Ruined Corridor. Check the phone on the floor.
If you haven't done the optional scene in the Medical Office yet, you'll be asked to go there now and investigate the "ghost" before doing attractions.
Do one of the attractions/buy a Clear Chip, then negotiations.
Return to Kanna's Trial Room and look under the bed.
Day 2, Night
Go to the Monitor Room. Go to the Lobby and talk to Keiji and Q-taro. Go to the Ruined Corridor and talk to Kanna.
If you choose "even after all my crying," it adds 20 to your Hallucination Level.
Do one of the attractions/buy a Clear Chip, then negotiations.
Go to the Prize Exchange. Go to the Monitor Room.
Day 3, Morning
Go to the Lobby and talk to Alice.
Do one of the attractions/buy a Clear Chip, then negotiations. Successfully trading with Q-taro here leads to a bad ending once you go to the Long Stairs.
Day 3, Noon
Talk to Ranger in the Lobby.
Do one of the attractions/buy a Clear Chip. If you negotiate, it adds 20 to your Hallucination Level. (If you've hit every increase and never reset the level, this is where you'll get the bad ending.)
If you hit 10 Clear Chips early (by accepting the Room of Lies bonus and doing Memory Dance not-last), you'll skip ahead to the end of the Sub-Game instead of doing the Night segment.
Day 3, Night
Note that you'll skip over this segment (about all you miss is the Ranger "negotiation" scene) if you reached 10 Clear Chips early.
Do one last attraction or buy a Clear Chip. Talk to Ranger at negotiations.
Means of Rescue
During this discussion, using Extract (with some exceptions) or choosing wrong with Conflict or Item passes time. Scenes trigger at certain time intervals, but they don't have any impact until the last one - if you fully run out of time, you proceed on an alternate story branch.
Click here for spoiler details on the timer mechanics.
In truth, the timer is rather closely tied to your progress through the discussion. There are three scene pairs (warning scene, then firing scene) which are only "enabled" to trigger once you reach certain points in the discussion. Specifically: learning what the right LCD means, Nao accusing Reko, and reaching the final segment after the war of words.
If the timer hits the trigger for a scene that hasn't been "unlocked" yet, time will effectively stop until it is. But even if you waste minimal time, the unlocking of the second scene pair pushes the timer up, ensuring that scene 1 triggers as soon as time next passes.
In short, you can't actually run out of time until the final segment, at which point you'll have a minimum of 5 steps before time up, or a maximum of 15 if you were perfectly efficient.
Choose Nao's topic.
Talk to Reko and choose "a trick in the room." Talk to Nao. Contrast Reko and Nao's statements.
Talk to Reko and choose "person." Talk to Nao and choose "weight." Contrast Reko and Nao's statements.
Talk to Reko. Talk to Nao and choose "the high-placers aren't here." Contrast Reko and Nao's statements. Touch the floor tile one back and left from where Reko is standing.
Talk to Reko. Talk to Nao. Contrast Reko and Nao's statements.
Present the Web of Happiness to Keiji.
Talk to Nao, ask for details, and ask for Keiji's statement. Contrast Reko and Keiji's statements.
Talk to Kanna. Talk to Sou and pick Ranger. Contrast Kanna and Sou's statements.
Present the Web of Happiness to Sou.
In the war of words, the correct statements to object to are "I've been with Alice," "split the stuff equally," any of the three, "Ranger's word games," and "ain't that everybody?" But actually, how many you answered correctly has no impact.
Talk to Reko and choose "sing a song." Present the Band Breakup Article to Reko.
In the sequence that follows, you can either push the fake Reko, or you can right-click (two-finger tap on mobile) for a cancel prompt. Not pushing her will put you on the same branch as if you ran out of time.
Chapter 2, Part Two
Check the board or the shredder. Wait until the Move command appears, and choose "Run." Check the laptop, then the collapsed Sou once he's finished bleeding. Choose Run. Pick up the frying pan. Choose Run.
Go to the Long Stairs, Lobby, then Medical Office. Talk to Gin and Keiji. Return to the Lobby, then Your Bedroom. Talk to Keiji.
Go to the Lobby. Activate Keiji's ability and check Nao. Go to the Ruined Corridor, then Room of Rubble. Go into the new passage.
Talk to Keiji. Go to the Bar and read the blackboard using Keiji's ability. Optionally, by using Keiji's ability, you can find Victim Disk E in the Blue Room (accessed from Game Room), and Victim Disk F in the Hidden Room (accessed from Back of Cafeteria).
Go to Back of Cafeteria. Use Keiji's ability to see writing on the door. Check the doorknob. Attempt the lock and input "9" to unlock the door. (Getting it wrong is a game over.) Enter the Pink Room. There, activate Keiji's ability and enter the vent.
Check the figure on the right wall. Check the computer monitor to watch a video playing on it. Check the open drawer in the center and look through it for the 1F Security Footage. Check the monitor again to play the footage. If you picked up the Victim Disks, you can check the monitor once more to watch them.
Once you're done, return to the Pink Room. Head to the Cafeteria and take the key on the table.
Go to the Monitor Room and check the machine in front. Check all seven working monitors.
Go to the Long Stairs, and either talk to Safalin or try to enter the Room of Lies. Go to the Lobby. If there's a scene occurring there, check on it. Otherwise/afterwards, talk to Sou.
Read the bottom-right file, "To Miss Sara." This gives you the password to the locked "Sara" folder. Reading "[Important] Background Check File" in the Sara folder will advance the story. All the other files are optional.
If you have at least 50 non-Sara tokens (starting from this part via Chapters gives you 50), you'll go to your room. Otherwise, you'll just skip over this part. Check both chairs, under the bed, and on the bed.
You may want to save before confronting the hallucination, since you can get a game over. As hands appear, tap them a few times to repel them.
Search 2
Go to the Long Stairs. Pick up the Victim Video on the stairs. Go to the Medical Office. Talk to Nao, then activate Gin's ability and check the glass door. Enter the passage.
Activate Gin's ability and check the scent in the empty space. Move to Doll Storage Depths. Check the head on the table. Exit to the Medical Office.
Optionally, talk to Keiji in the Lobby. Go to the Ruined Corridor. Repeatedly touch the heart until the minigame ends. Go to the Lobby, then Nao's Bedroom.
Talk to Nao and Sou. Go to the Medical Office for a scene. Talk to Keiji and Kanna in the Ruined Corridor. Go to the Room of Rubble. Check Q-taro, pick up the Tablet and Stun Gun, and check Q-taro again. Go to the Lobby, and everyone should assemble.
Talk to Nao. Go to the Monitor Room. Touch the top of the ladder and go up. Talk to Sou. Read the book and papers on the table. Talk to Sou again. Save in case of a game over, then talk to Sou to begin a minigame. Touch the monitors when they turn red.
Go to the Monitor Room. Go to the Lobby. Go to the Long Stairs and check the vending machine. Check the passage and enter it. At the top, check the corridor and proceed.
Talk to Keiji, Sou, and Nao. Then return to the Stairs. (If you talked to Nao last, you have to leave and come back.)
Touch the screen. Move to the Main Game Grounds.
Main Game
Like the first Main Game, you have Clout. You lose 10 for taking wrong discussion actions and regain 20 for correct ones. If you run out, you get a game over.
Choose Keiji's topic.
View Sou's statement, and Kanna's face will change while it's up - click on her. Succeed at the minigame. (Failing loses you Clout, but with each failure, it gets easier to succeed.)
Talk to Kanna. Talk to Nao. Contrast Kanna and Nao's statements.
Talk to Q-taro. Present the 1F Security Footage to him.
Talk to Sou. Present the Stun Gun to him.
Talk to Nao. Either present the Victim Video to Nao, or talk to Gin too and contrast Gin and Nao's statements.
In the war of words, you need at least 3 rebuttals to win favor. The correct statements to object to are "everybody knows it," "saw it alone," "no good to suspect," "no difference," and "no relation." If you succeed, the following scene offers more detail, but that's about it.
Talk to Sou. View his new statement, and click on Q-taro's face.
Final Round
Talk to Gin. Contrast Gin and Q-taro's statements.
Talk to Reko/Alice. View their new statement, and click on Q-taro's face. Succeed at the minigame.
In the Balance Battle, affirm Keiji's "Q-taro couldn't," affirm Sou's "just take a peek," affirm Keiji's "started to negotiate," deny Keiji's "must've let him in," and affirm Keiji's "slipped the tablet under."
Talk to Q-taro. Talk to Gin. Contrast Q-taro and Gin's statements; this will change Sou's statement. Talk to Keiji, and contrast Keiji and Sou's statements.
Talk to Q-taro. Present the Tablet to Q-taro.
Talk to Gin. Contrast Gin and Keiji's statements.
Talk to Kanna and question her. Talk to Gin. Contrast Kanna and Gin's statements.
Talk to Kanna.
Talk to Q-taro. Talk to Nao. Contrast Q-taro and Nao's statements.
Talk to Kanna and say "there isn't." Present the Four Papers to Kanna.
Talk to Gin. Talk to Sou. Contrast Gin and Sou's statements.
View Sou's statement and click on Keiji's face. Succeed at the minigame.
Talk to Sou. Talk to Nao. Contrast Sou and Nao's statements.
Talk to Sou. Talk to Kanna. Contrast Sou and Kanna's statements.
Outcomes for the vote: Voting for Nao gives you Ending 1. Voting for Sou or Kanna leads to separate branches. You can't vote for Keiji.
Chapter 3, Part One
Enter the door. Go up the stairs.
Check the stone monument. Check the coffin. Check the other coffin that appears. Check all the new coffins, then the center coffin again.
Talk with all the Dummies. A scene will occur after talking to the last one.
Spoiler about the mechanics of the battle: If you don't win after 9 turns (not counting turns while it's staggered), the battle will end with Anzu dying.
Have Keiji observe or Q-taro/Kurumada attack to learn that its body is electrified. This allows Q-taro and Kurumada to properly attack it.
Attack with Q-taro/Kurumada twice to destroy both the helmet and the armor. If you have Hayasaka search, he'll find a Shovel, which allows Hinako to attack and destroy the helmet/armor too. (Also, selecting Mai will "bring back" Q-taro as an option.)
Have Gin search to find a Flaming Stick. Stagger the monster with Q-taro's throw, Ranmaru's trip, or helping Anzu (appears if the monster gets enough turns). Have Hinako/Sou/Kanna burn it while it's staggered.
Deal the finishing blow with Reko/Alice/Hinako (requires Shovel) or Kurumada.
Proceed past the stone monument. Take the Floor Map on the left side of the gate.
Go to the boxing ring. Try to enter the passage in the back.
Boxing Ring Puzzle
Spoiler about the mechanics of the puzzle: If you don't solve it after 9 turns (stopping the left flow buys you up to 3 turns depending on how early you do it), you get a game over.
Inspect the liquid. Have Reko/Alice check the walls to slow the filling speed.
Inspect the shadow on the floor. Have Keiji grab the knife from the ceiling.
Inspect the ropes. Have Mai cut the soft ropes.
Inspect the cord coming out of the back-left post. Have Ranmaru change the back-left post to be yellow.
Search 2
Proceed through the passage (or just Move) to the gallery. Check the painting of Midori.
Visit the elevator room and the room with the red door. In the locker room, check the stain on the ceiling. A scene should trigger as you leave the last room.
Go to the room with the closed door and symbol of two people. Check the symbol. Go inside.
Check the drawer to get a paintbrush and paints. Leave the room.
Go to the gallery and check the unpainted picture to color it in. Flip the breaker on.
Go to the elevator and press the up button.
Go to the locker room. In the "battle," just keep advancing turns.
Go to the elevator.
Search 3
Pick up the map from the floor.
Go to the locker room and check the two objects on the shelves.
Go to the classroom and check what's on the blackboard. Optionally, check the bag on the desk.
Go to the police box and check the car.
Go to the library.
Go to the office and check the turned-on screen.
A scene should trigger after exploring every room. Point out the center of the map, and go to the library if you aren't already there.
Take the collar on the desk. Check the monitor that turns on.
Library Battle
Spoiler about the mechanics of the battle: If you don't win after 8 turns (Hayasaka can set the timer back, Q-taro may set it forward), the battle will end with Hayasaka dying.
Have Reko/Alice search to find a smartphone. Have Ranmaru/Hinako destroy it.
By this point, Kanna/Sou should show up. Have them search to find an alarm clock. Have Ranmaru/Hinako destroy it.
Go with Keiji's suggestion.
(Note: If you have Gin search, then have Mai use the item he finds, you get a game over.)
Search 4
Go to the office and take the Yellow Book. Go to the classroom and take the Green Book. Back on Floor 4, go to the Discussion Room and take the Red Book.
Go to the boxing ring and talk to Kurumada. Go to the cemetery and talk to Q-taro. Return to the boxing ring and talk to Kurumada again.
Go to the library on 5F and insert all four books into the open spaces. Go up the stairs.
Talk to Midori. Go to the control room and check the monitors.
Go to the cemetery. Try to leave.
Keep checking on Keiji.
Cemetery Battle
Spoiler about the mechanics of the battle: If you don't win after 9 turns (not counting turns while Midori is staggered), the battle ends a bit differently, but has the same ultimate outcome.
Pick Kanna/Sou; this should make Q-taro appear. Have Q-taro approach Midori. Pick Kanna/Sou again; they'll be stopped by Kurumada.
If Keiji is downed, calm him to get him back up. Have Q-taro grab Midori's leg. Pick Kanna/Sou one last time while Midori is staggered and Keiji is up.
Search 5
Talk to Midori. Talk to Ranmaru. Check the center coffin and talk to Keiji. Select the collar, then the lit monitor next to it.
Go to the control room on 5F and check the right monitor. Check the center console.
Go to the office and get the First-Aid Kit from the left shelves. Return to the cemetery on 4F. Talk to Mai and Q-taro, and bring Q-taro along.
Go to the control room and check the center console. Check the right monitor again, and the two new monitors that turn on. Turn off the Pairing function.
Return to the cemetery and talk to Hinako. Go to the classroom on 5F and pick up the Transceiver and ID Card on the desk.
Return to the control room and check the center console. Talk to the AI about both topics.
For optional hints, go to the library on 5F and take the Green Books, which you can read. Go to the Discussion Room door on 4F and enter.
Discussion Room
Spoiler about mechanics: If you take more than 7 turns before the others come in without getting the ID card, you get a game over.
Have Ranmaru be a decoy so Maple's current emotion changes. While Maple isn't angry, have Sara knock on the door to call for help.
Again while Maple isn't angry, have Sara go behind Maple, and push the button corresponding to her current emotion (yellow if happy, blue if sad).
Have Mai read the letter. The goal now is to do actions at the right times to raise the friendship meter, then have Anzu/Sara reconcile when it's at least about 60% full (at least 3 beneficial actions).
Spoiler about mechanics: If you take more than 13 turns in this second part without reconciling, Kurumada will sustain a bigger injury. Beware that both outcomes look pretty similar - however, losing will result in a delayed death for Kurumada later.
Actions to take when angry: Have Reko/Alice be quiet and listen, have Q-taro do impersonations (and hurt himself).
Actions to take when sad: Have Ranmaru give the letter back, have Sou/Kanna give back the handkerchief (after accepting it).
Actions to take when happy: Have Hinako chat, have Kurumada tell jokes, have Sou/Kanna accept the handkerchief (when offered).
Search 6
Move out of the room. Go to the locker room. Go to the elevator and enter it.
Go to the control room. Check the center console. Use the Coffin Control System (far right monitor) to close the shutter, then open the coffins.
Go to the elevator and try to use it. Return to the control room. Talk to the AI.
Go to the locker room. Unlock and open the bottom-left locker and take the Lantern. Use the Lantern.
Locker Room Puzzle
Spoiler about mechanics: Using the Lantern or the Floor Map (which appears if you ask for help) passes time. The gravity increases after three such item uses, or immediately if you place an incorrect item. If you don't solve it before 5 gravity increases, you get a game over.
Use the Lantern to reveal pictures on the lockers. These correspond to the rooms on Floors 4 and 5, so you need to put items that correspond to those rooms in the open lockers.
The items that fall out are random, and not all of them are actually useful, but you'll always have the ones you need for the current open lockers.
Left Side (Floor 5)
- Top-Left (Police Box): Red Siren
- Top-Middle (Library): Book
- Top-Right (Office): Laptop Computer
- Center (Control Room): Broadcast Mic
- Bottom-Right (Classroom): School Bag
Right Side (Floor 4)
- Top-Left (Discussion Room): Fancy Cup
- Top-Middle (Gate): Padlock
- Top-Right (Ring): Boxing Glove
- Center (Cemetery): Skull
- Bottom-Right (Gallery): Palette
Search 7
Enter the passage. Open the safe on the floor.
Check the drawers on the left to find the instruction manual. Check the charger. If Kurumada is missing, go to the elevator to find him. Get him hooked up to the charger.
Go to the classroom and talk to Midori.
At this point, everyone will split up, and you can use the Lantern on the surviving humans for semi-optional events. (You're only required to do this for one person in order to progress.)
Reko's Memory (Locker Room)
Things to point out in the left picture:
- Reko herself.
- The person Reko's meeting with.
- The weather in the background.
- The long vines on the right side of the window.
- The sheet music on the table.
- The guitar case on the ground.
- The top-right corner of the left building (where there's a camera in the right picture).
Alice's Memory (Locker Room)
Things to point out in the left picture:
- The face of the guard.
- Alice's left hand.
- The design left of "Cell 3," high up above the cell bars.
- The space between the bed and the poster (where there's tally marks in the right picture).
- The trash can on the other side of the bars.
- Next to the bottom of the ladder.
- The far left of the horizonal cell bar, near Alice's head.
Kanna's Memory (Library)
Things to point out in the left picture:
- The clerk's face.
- Kanna's sister (around the body, not the face).
- The paper ice cream cones on the wall.
- The hanging light on the ceiling.
- The window.
- The empty back wall left of the clerk.
- The green ice cream (fourth bucket from the left, in front).
Sou's Memory (Library)
Things to point out in the left picture:
- Sou himself, on the right.
- Midori, on the left.
- The briefcase on the floor.
- The two notes in the top-right, right of the blank monitor.
- The heater in the bottom-right.
- The top-left monitor.
- The far left night cityscape photo at the top.
Gin's Memory (Police Box)
Things to point out in the left picture:
- Gin himself.
- The face of the teacher across from Gin.
- The gray files on the shelves (where there's a black box in the right picture)
- The big first-aid kit to the right of Gin.
- The butterfly picture on the whiteboard.
- The empty top-left part of the whiteboard.
- The pen holder in the bottom-left (where there's a black pen in the right picture - not the red pen).
Check the red screen in the control room.
Turn on the Lantern in the classroom and check the text that appears to get the Steam Spray Hand.
Turn on the Lantern at the police box and check the interior. Inspect the text to get a finger.
Talk to Ranmaru in the control room about the Shin AI. After doing at least one of the Lantern events and obtaining both body parts, talk to him about Upgrade Parts.
Go to the charging room (from the locker room) and get water from the drink machine.
Go to the classroom, turn on the Lantern, and spray steam on the form. Try to leave. Try to leave again after the scene, then talk to Midori.
Go to the charging room and talk to Ranmaru. Enter the passage and inspect the device.
Conduit Puzzle
Regarding the choice at the start: If you ask to reset Sara's charge before starting, Midori makes it harder by starting everyone at one level of charge.
The wiring patterns and who receives the shocks each turn are picked at random, so there aren't guaranteed steps to this. (You can tap Sara to save at any point, though, which can arguably help cheese it a bit.)
The basic strategy: on most turns, you should pick Ranmaru so as to charge him up quickly. He'll do some work resetting people's charges in the process, but most likely won't keep things entirely under control.
As you charge Ranmaru, be careful to keep everyone else at low charge. Switch tactics to reducing charge if there are several people at yellow health (two charges), and definitely prioritize resetting anyone who reaches red (three charges). Be sure to never pick anyone on Ranmaru's circuit other than Ranmaru, lest you lose progress.
Whenever you need to reduce people's charge, pick whoever in the group of three currently has the lowest charge to absorb from the others. Additionally, the more charge you can clear out in one move, the better - look for the group where you can eliminate the most overall charge.
Spoiler about mechanics: Ranmaru needs to reach charge level 4 three times to win. If you fail by someone passing out, Ranmaru will have a delayed death later on.
Search 8
Leave the room. Go to the elevator and enter it.
Go to the cemetery. Use the card reader on the wall, then enter. Check the center coffin. Check the center coffin again.
Go to the gallery and check Maple. Go to the gate for a scene.
Go to the 4F locker room, use the Lantern, and check the picture that appears. Go to the gallery, check the school painting above the left door, and climb up to press the switch.
Return to the 4F locker room and enter the passage. Turn on the power switch in the top-left. Check the door in the back and the drink machine.
Go to the boxing ring. Use the Lantern and inspect the debris. Go to the cemetery and talk to Ranmaru.
Go to the gallery. Go to the 4F elevator. Go to the operating room (from the locker room). Return to the elevator and enter.
Go to the classroom and check the podium.
Search 9
Talk to Q-taro. Check the center coffin. Close the coffins in the order of the numbers (1237654): the three on the left from left to right, the three on the right from right to left, then the center one.
Go to the gallery and turn off the breaker. Check on Maple, then talk to her.
Go to the locker room and open the center locker on the left side. Return to the gallery and talk to Maple.
Use the Lantern and check the school painting above the left door. Go to the locker room and enter the passage.
Turn on the power switch in the top-left. Check the box on the left. Return to the gallery and talk to Maple. Pick up the key on the floor.
Go to the operating room (from the locker room), use the key on the door, and enter. Inspect the silhouette and talk. Check the left console.
Go to the gallery and take the doll head. Return to the hidden room (through the locker room and operating room) and attach the head.
Go to the cemetery and talk to Q-taro. Use the Lantern.
Before choosing to proceed with the plan, you can talk to Q-taro and use the Lantern on him for an optional memory event.
Q-taro's Memory
Things to point out in the left picture:
- Q-taro's face.
- The nurse.
- Q-taro's chair.
- The television.
- The curtain on the right side of the window.
- The baseball-and-bats ornament on the front table.
- The bed.
Talk to Q-taro and begin the plan. Go to the elevator and check it, then check it again and get on.
Go to the charging room from the locker room. Inspect Kurumada. Inspect the charger. Pick up the papers on the ground. Use the charger.
Return to the elevator and try to enter. Go to the classroom. Try to leave.
Depending on the route, go to the cemetery or the 4F locker room.
Spoiler about mechanics: If you take more than 11 turns without running out Maple's energy, Mai will die.
The goal is to pick actions for the proper AIs to make them consume energy and reduce the bar to zero. A few actions destroy the AIs, but this prevents you from doing actions on them, removes the energy cost of them starting up, and has basically no benefit.
Maple starts with 100 energy, and each turn, uses 5 energy starting up a different AI (unless they've been destroyed). The AIs will attack on specific turns, though there are only two "real" attacks, which will make a particular person unusable for a turn. Additionally, on certain routes (Sou and Ranmaru both alive), there are two extra attacks that make a randomly-picked person unusable for a turn.
Splash (Gin)
-20 energy when used on any AI (one-time use)
Invitation (Q-taro)
-10 energy when used on Angry/Sorrowful AI (only works once for each)
Intimidation (Hinako)
-10 energy when used on Sneering/Frightened AI (only works once for each)
Provocation (Reko/Alice)
-10 energy when used on Angry/Sneering AI (only works once for each)
Persuasion (Kanna/Sou)
-10 energy when used on Sorrowful/Frightened AI (only works once for each)
Fists (Kurumada)
Destroys target (one-time use)
Knife Throw (Mai)
Destroys target (one-time use)
Before the Banquet
Go to the cemetery if you aren't already there. Talk to everyone if you want.
Talk to Q-taro. If he tells you to check on Kurumada, talk to Kurumada, then Reko/Alice, then Kurumada again. Talk to Q-taro and tell him you're ready.
(A spoilery clarification about possible deaths: By this point, Ranmaru and Kurumada will have had their "delayed" deaths if you lost their respective battles earlier.)
Check the center coffin. Go to the gate and enter it. Select one of the coffins. Proceed ahead.
Begin the banquet. Touch either side of the machine to rotate the coffins.
Russian Roulette
(A note about branches: In some cases, people can have meaningfully different statements depending on who is alive. When multiple people are listed, prioritize the first living one in the list.)
Select Q-taro's topic. (You can select Sou/Kanna's topic first, but it won't really lead anywhere just yet.) Present the Lantern to the person who speaks up.
Section 1: Mystery of the Glowing Coffins
Talk to Anzu/Hinako and answer "five." Talk to Q-taro. Contrast those two statements.
Section 2: The Coffins' Lost Glow
Talk to Ranmaru/Hinako (if the latter, she needs to be pressed). Contrast their statement with Kurumada/Gin's.
Section 3: Who Painted the Coffins When?
Talk to Gin. Talk to Reko/Alice/Q-taro. Contrast those two statements.
Section 4: Using the Machine / Using the Hint
Touch the lower part of the platform with the numbers and circles. Select any of the glowing coffins.
Section 5: The Red Lamp's Meaning
Present the Note to Kanna/Sou.
Section 6: Who's the Human?
Talk to Hinako. Present the ID Card to Hinako.
Section 7: Mai's Fingerprint Scan
Talk to Mai/Q-taro and ask if they have any ideas. Talk to Hayasaka/Gin. Contrast those two statements.
Section 8: Defeat Midori
Select one of the glowing coffins. (Spoiler about exact outcomes: Hayasaka will be hit if you pick the coffin with the hint. Kurumada will be hit if you pick a different one.)
Section 9: Midori's Selection
Talk to Midori.
Section 10: Hinako's Blue Lamp
Talk to Gin. Talk to Ranmaru/Q-taro. Contrast those two statements.
Section 11: About Hinako
Talk to Q-taro, pick "the gallery," then present the Lantern to him. Select the painting of the black-haired girl surrounded by blood. Talk to Reko/Alice/Gin. Contrast the two statements.
Section 12: Connection to Hinako
Talk to Reko/Alice/Q-taro. Present the Voice Recorder.
Section 13: The Third Hint
Select one of the glowing coffins that doesn't already have a hint and hasn't been hit. For the target, select either that same coffin, or the first hint coffin if you didn't hit it already. Select another glowing coffin with no hint.
Section 14: Final Gamble
Talk to Q-taro. Talk to Gin. Contrast those statements. Talk to Q-taro again. Use the Lantern on Q-taro and select the final line. Talk to Kanna/Sou. Contrast that statement with Q-taro.
Section 15: The Three Non-Glowing Coffins
Talk to everyone.
Section 16: The Final Hint
Select one of the non-glowing coffins (not the destroyed one). For the target, select one of the two non-glowing coffins other than the one chosen for the hint.
In the war of words, object to "no way Keiji's inside," "dying moments," "maybe Shin," "the type of collar," and "my collar."
Island Existence
General Tips
There are almost no downsides to letting people get down to green hunger before you feed them. Food completely fills their stomachs no matter where they're at, so there's usually not much reason to feed someone at yellow hunger.
The only thing that can be an issue with the above is that, if someone finds food while Crafting and isn't completely full, they'll fill themselves 1 stage instead of adding it to your supplies. Since manually giving 1 Food is able to fill someone as many as 3 stages, this is somewhat wasteful.
Health, similarly, can often be "safely" left at yellow. There are no negative effects to being in poor health, other than an injury at red health being deadly; as such, people in the red should Rest instead of risking danger. However, since attacking in battle means taking damage (unless you shell out for armor, or deal the final blow), it's usually wise to get your best fighters to full health before a fight.
If you don't want to spoil yourself with the detailed schedule, the important thing to know is that there's a battle every 5th day. There are also optional battles on Day 12 and 28. (Late-game spoilers: After Day 31, a battle happens every day.)
If you're deciding whether someone should Craft or Forage based on their stats, it may help to ignore the ones digit. This is because success for those actions is only increased every 10 points; for example, 29 Crafting gives the same odds as 20 Crafting. However, the exact stat does matter for a few things: the chances of not taking damage from failed actions, the Base Points you earn from Craft, and the amount of Material/money you find with Forage.
Crafting is good to focus on for the first two base upgrades (at which point all the buildable items are unlocked), but I'd say it becomes less important afterward. The only reason for Base Points is to sustain damage in fights, so you just need to maintain a good amount; they can also be raised using Base Repair if you have the Material to spare. That said, Crafting isn't a bad choice for Kai, as he has a 50% chance to find 1 Food (and may even find one more via the normal 10% chance of finding Food).
The Bed is expensive, but a good investment once you're accumulating enough Material to build it. In essence, having the Bed means you can have a character work roughly twice as many times on average before they need to rest. (It's not exactly twice, since you get the same effect whenever you have good luck with Rests, but it's still significant.)
If you get to a point where you have lots of Food to spare, the Medical Station can be even better than the Bed, as you can heal people with it and forego the need to Rest at all.
Action Outcomes and Stats
Crafting has a base 85% chance of success, plus 1% for every 10 points in Crafting. (Example: With a Crafting stat of anywhere from 50 to 59, it's 85% + 5% = 90%. At the max of 100, it's a 95% chance.)
If it succeeds, the character will do normal housework 70% of the time. This increases Base Points according to their Crafting stat (plus/minus 2).
Housework also has a chance of increasing their Crafting stat by 1~3 points. The odds of this start at 66% (at a theoretical 0) and approach 0% as the stat gets higher (approaching 100). Finally, there's a 10% chance they'll find 1 Food. If the character isn't full, they'll eat it and recover just 1 stage of hunger instead of adding it to your supplies.
The other 30% of the time, a success means they'll work on expanding the base. The character will spend 20 Material to add their Crafting value (plus/minus 2) toward the next base goal. However, if the base is at its final stage or there isn't 20 Material available, the character will always do normal housework on a success.
On a failure, the Crafting stat is used as a straight percentage chance of whether the character can avoid a trap. If they fail this, they take damage, killing them if they're at red health.
Foraging has a base 70% chance of success, plus 1% for every 10 points in Foraging. (Example: With a Foraging stat of anywhere from 50 to 59, it's 70% + 5% = 75%. At the max of 100, it's an 80% chance.)
There are three possible outcomes on a success: bringing back Material, Food, or Money. 50% of the time, they'll bring back Material equivalent to their Foraging stat (plus 0~3 extra). 20% of the time, they'll bring back 1 Food, plus 1 extra per 10 Foraging stat points. And 30% of the time, they'll bring back money equivalent to (Foraging + random from 1~10) * 100.
In all success cases, there's a chance of their Foraging stat increasing by 1~3 points. The odds of this start at 66% (at a theoretical 0) and approach 0% as the stat gets higher (approaching 100).
On a failure, the Foraging stat is used as a straight percentage chance of whether the character can avoid danger. If they fail this, they take damage, killing them if they're at red health.
Training has a 90% chance of success. A success will increase Fighting by 1~3 points. In addition to the Fighting boost, there's a 10% chance that Crafting will increase by 1~3 points, and a 10% chance that Foraging will increase by 1~3 points. (It's not possible to get both Crafting and Foraging boosts at the same time.)
On a failure, the Fighting stat is used as a straight percentage chance of whether the character can avoid a trap. If they fail this, they take damage, killing them if they're at red health.
There's a 30% chance of getting a good rest that fully recovers the character; otherwise, their health will only recover by 1 stage. If you make the Bed, however, full recoveries become a guarantee for everyone.
All stats (other than Fondness) max out at 100. If you're at exactly 99, the odds of gaining Crafting/Foraging through their associated actions seemingly become zero, so you have to get the last point via Training or eating berries.
The prices at Safalin's shop generally increase with each visit. They're also higher on Hard than on Normal.
Hunger and Health
There are four stages of hunger: pink happy face, yellow smiling face, green gloomy face, and purple sad face. Feeding a character 1 Food will always return them to full, so it's safe (and generally recommended) to wait until green to feed them.
Whenever time passes, all characters will go down one stage of hunger. When going from green to purple hunger, they also go down 1 stage of health and lose 1 Fondness. Going down from purple hunger results in their death.
There are three stages of damage: regular color, yellow tint, and red tint. Resting will recover a character's health by either 1 stage or fully, depending on luck and whether you've built a Bed.
If a character takes damage from a failed action, a counter-attack in battle, or an exploding box, their health goes down by 1 stage. Taking damage at red health results in their death. (However, fatal damage from exploding boxes will always be avoided.)
Character Abilities
Each character has a unique ability that allows them to do something special in certain circumstances. (These have nothing to do with who the protagonist is.) When abilities activate, it's signified by a cut-in of the character appearing.
Sara: Forage has a 50% chance of occurring twice. (No chance of stat boosts the second time.)
Joe: Rest has a 50% chance of giving everyone (including himself) 1 Fondness.
Keiji: Train has a 50% chance of occurring twice.
Kanna: Rest has a 50% chance of her also healing a random wounded ally by 1 stage of health.
Q-taro: When he attacks in battle, has a 50% chance of nullifying the attack on the base that follows.
Sou: After 15 days, if time passes with him on the final stage of hunger (purple), he survives it. Upon activation, the day counter for this resets.
Reko: Train has no chance of injury. (It can still fail and be useless - she's just able to avoid the trap every time.)
Nao: Craft has a 50% chance of occurring twice. (No chance of stat boosts the second time.)
Kai: Craft has a 50% chance of him also finding 1 Food.
Gin: Rest has a 50% chance of his Crafting, Foraging, and Fighting increasing by 1.
Mishima: When injured doing Craft/Forage/Train, there's a 70% chance his Crafting, Foraging, and Fighting will all increase by 1.
Gonbee: When he attacks in battle, has a 50% chance of attacking twice.
Base Menu, Facilities, and Items
The base will level up as people work to expand it via the Craft action (30% chance, spends 20 Material each time). You can't directly see progress on this anywhere. Note that the point values here are cumulative.
Base Upgrade 1: 60 points. Unlocks Weapons/Armor/Facilities in the Base menu.
Base Upgrade 2: 250 points. Unlocks the Bed and Medical Station in the Facilities menu.
Base Upgrade 3: 500 points. Has no gameplay effects.
Base Upgrade 4: 1000 points. After this, the Craft action will always be normal housework.
Base Repair (100 Material)
Adds 100 Base Points.
Weapons (100/200/400 Material)
Gives a character a Stone Axe (100), which can then upgrade to a Sharp Spear (200), which can then upgrade to a Sturdy Bow (400). Each upgrade adds 15 to their Fighting stat - it's effectively just buying a stat boost.
Armor (200 Material)
Gives a single character armor. It will protect them from one hit in battle and then break.
Rock Wall Lv. 1/Lv. 2/Lv. 3 (50/150/300 Material)
Protects the base in battles. Lv. 1 reduces enemy damage to Base Points by 10%, Lv. 2 reduces it by 30%, and Lv. 3 reduces it by 50%.
Radio (50 Material)
Adds a radio to the island. You can click on it to get random tips, or change the music to a random song. It has no other gameplay use.
Small Trap (250 Material)
Fills a random person's hunger by 1 stage every day.
Fishing Net (300 Material)
Adds a net to the island. Use of the net can be toggled at will. Every day the net is set, it uses up 1 Food and catches anywhere from 0~3 Food.
Bed (1000 Material)
Makes every Rest be a good one that fully recovers health.
Medical Station (600 Material)
Adds a medical station to the island. By spending 1 Food at it, you can restore someone's health by 1 stage.
Fondness Mechanics
A character's Fondness goes up by 2 on days when the protagonist and that person perform the same action (including Rest). It goes down by 1 whenever they go from green hunger to purple hunger.
Fondness scenes for each character trigger at 10, 25, and 40 Fondness. If there are scenes from multiple people available, one is chosen at random for that day. Each scene you have with a character raises their Crafting by 5, Foraging by 5, and Fighting by 10.
Whenever a character dies, you get a Life Shard. These can be used on a character to increases their Fondness, with diminishing returns: the first use adds 10, the second use adds 6, and further uses add 3.
Battle Mechanics
Attacking in battle does damage equivalent to double the character's Fighting stat, plus 0 to 6 bonus damage.
If the enemy is not defeated after attacking, it will retaliate against the attacker, either breaking their armor or doing 1 stage of damage.
It will then attack the base, lowering Base Points by its attack power (plus or minus 5); this damage can be reduced by the Rock Wall construction. If Base Points drop to 0, it's game over.
Weak Inhabitant (Day 5, Day 10)
Up to 400 HP, 50 Attack
(In Normal mode, HP is reduced by 20 for each dead character)
Man-Eating Bird (Day 12)
Up to 500 HP, 0 Attack (only attacks characters, not base)
(In Normal mode, HP is reduced by 30 for each dead character)
Middling Inhabitant (Day 15, Day 20)
Up to 550 HP (Normal) / 700 HP (Hard), 80 Attack
(In Normal mode, HP is reduced by 30 for each dead character)
Strong Inhabitant (Day 25, Day 30)
Up to 600 HP (Normal) / 1000 HP (Hard), 100 Attack
(In Normal mode, HP is reduced by 40 for each dead character)
Man-Eating Bird (Day 28)
Up to 600 HP (Normal) / 800 HP (Hard), 0 Attack (only attacks characters, not base)
(In Normal mode, HP is reduced by 40 for each dead character)
600 HP, 150 Attack
Strong Inhabitant (Day 32-33)
Up to 700 HP (Normal) / 1000 HP (Hard), 100 Attack
(In Normal mode, HP is reduced by 50 for each dead character)
Strongest Inhabitant (Day 35+)
Up to 700 HP (Normal) / 1400 HP (Hard), 110 Attack
(In Normal mode, HP is reduced by 50 for each dead character)
Sunnies Mechanics
Each protagonist has a different minigame they do three times with the Sunnies at the beach hut. If you fail the minigame, the hut will be destroyed next time, ending the sidequest. If you fail the last one, you won't get the Sunnies ending.
Each period, you're shown what subjects everyone wants to learn, and must choose one subject to teach. If the subject matches someone's favored subject, they'll successfully learn from it and add to the group's total "study points." One subject is also randomly chosen to be worth 1.5x the study points.
If someone successfully learns multiple times in a row, the study points they add are multiplied by the length of the chain. If they fail to learn multiple times in a row, however, they subtract study points (also based on chain, though doesn't get any worse after three in a row). The character's expressions reflect what their current success/failure streak is.
Generally, you should try to teach the subject that appears most among the requests, but should also prioritize the 1.5x subject when possible. Also, because the points for consecutive successes keep increasing, it can be better to focus on building those up for a few people rather than going out of your way to attend to those with a failure streak. Otherwise, your overall point gain may end up rather slow.
Every time you teach a subject, it subtracts 1 point in the associated stat for every survivor (down to a minimum of 1), to represent the Sunnies gaining the knowledge to collect the island's resources for themselves.
After each period, you get a comment indicating the current study points level, and can choose to give another lesson or end class. You should only end class once Mishima says it's fine to do so. (The quota for this increases each time, and is further increased for rounds 2 and 3 on Hard Mode.) If you end early, it'll be a failure that ends the sidequest/won't give you the Sunnies ending.
First, you must choose a base ingredient. This is done by spending 1 Food to randomly generate an ingredient, then either going with that one or spending more Food to make another. (You can also choose to run from the competition, ending the sidequest, which you're forced to do if you have no Food.)
Ingredients can be of four types (meat, fish, vegetables, eggs) and ten quality levels (terrible, off-color, smelly, gross-looking, regular, fine-looking, scrumptious, radiant, legendary, unbeatable heaven-sent).
Quality determines how many cooking actions you get (1 to 10), and type determines if you get bonus points from certain judges.
After deciding on an ingredient, a random survivor will show up to help you cook. The only impact this has is that judges will give bonuses if your assistant is someone they like.
Turning down someone's offer to help will lower their Fondness by 1 (though not into negatives) and bring in a new one, up to a total of three offers. If you reject all three, Kai will cook on his own, which has no advantages.
Cooking Actions
After assistant selection, you get up to 10 rounds (based on ingredient quality) of cooking actions. You can focus on the meal's appearance or flavor, focus on both at a higher concentration cost, or take it slow to regain concentration.
Behind the scenes, there are values for the meal's appearance and flavor, and all actions follow a similar formula for adding to them. First, there's a random "success" value that determines the message shown, then points are added to it based on Kai's Crafting stat.
There's also a random chance that your ladle, frying pan, and spatula will each "activate" and add bonus points. (Upgraded ones can be purchased from Safalin's shop (Hard Mode only) or earned from getting a meal score of 90+. Both the odds of activation and amount of bonus points increase with the level of the tool.)
Finally, the total success value is "allocated" to the appearance/flavor values based on the action:
- "Beauty" adds 50% of the total to appearance and 25% to flavor.
- "Flavor" adds 55% of the total to flavor and 20% to appearance.
- "All efforts" adds 65% of the total to both appearance and flavor.
- "Take it slow" adds 10% of the total to both appearance and flavor.
Each action you perform except "take it slow" reduces concentration. "Beauty" reduces it by up to 25~55%, "flavor" by up to 30~60%, and "all efforts" by up to 30~95%. "Take it slow" recovers it by 10~25%. The amount you lose is abated (and the amount recovered by taking it slow slightly increased) by Kai's combined Foraging and Fighting stats.
If Kai's concentration reaches zero, he takes damage and returns to 100% concentration. If this would be fatal, however, he doesn't take damage, but instead stops there even if you haven't used all your actions.
Your rating is calculated from the appearance/flavor values, with bonus points added to them based on the opinions of the three randomly-picked judges.
The judges give bonuses if your assistant is someone they like and if you used their favorite ingredient type. (These bonuses mostly go to the flavor value, with just a bit to appearance.) They also add or subtract appearance/flavor points based on how the appearance/flavor ranks by their standards.
Likes Sara (double point bonus). No favorite food.
High standards for appearance, high standards for flavor.
Likes Keiji. Bonus points for meat.
Medium standards for appearance, high standards for flavor.
Likes Kanna and Sou (though Sou's bonus is very small).
Double bonus points for meat, but subtracts a lot if it's not meat.
Lowest standards for appearance, highest standards for flavor.
Likes Q-taro. Bonus points for vegetables.
Highest standards for appearance, low standards for flavor.
Likes Reko and Alice. Bonus points for seafood.
High standards for appearance, high standards for flavor.
Likes Gin. Bonus points for vegetables (despite mentioning seafood).
Highest standards for appearance, lowest standards for flavor.
50 points (5 of the 10 stars) are from how the final appearance value compares to the "perfect score" value (which increases each time). The other 50 points (other 5 stars) are from how the final flavor value compares to the "perfect score" value.
A score lower than 70 (7 stars) is considered a failure that will end the sidequest/not give you the Sunnies ending.
Random Events
On days without any particular scene or battle, a random event will occur.
30% chance: A randomly-picked character finds a box. If opened, it has a 20% chance to contain 100~150 Material, a 20% chance to contain 3~5 Food, a 20% chance to contain 5,000~10,000 yen, and a 40% chance to explode and damage the person who opened it. (They will always dodge if it would be fatal.)
30% chance: A randomly-picked character finds berries. If eaten, there's a 50% chance the berries will increase their Crafting, Foraging, and Fighting by 3; otherwise, the berries will lower those stats by 2.
30% chance: A brief Fondness +2 scene with a randomly-picked character. (At least currently, only happens if Mishima is the protagonist.)
10% chance: A hallucination scene, if certain characters relevant to the protagonist are dead. (Mishima gets these for Nao, Kai gets these for Sara.) Otherwise, the type of event is rerolled.
Separately from these events, there's a 1-in-3 chance of wood appearing on the shore each day. Pick it up to get 30~50 Material.
Daily Event Schedule (SPOILERS)
Day 1: Introduction.
Day 2: Hunger tutorial.
Day 3: Safalin visits with shop.
Day 4: Warning about fights every 5 days.
Day 5: Battle with Weak Inhabitant.
Day 6: Story scene.
Day 7: Normal Mode: Safalin visits with shop. Hard Mode: Random event.
Day 8: Sunnies introduction. If you choose to leave, you won't get their events.
Day 9: Castaway scene. You can give him 1 Food, 3 Food, or none. He'll only survive for later if you give him 3 Food.
Day 10: Battle with Weak Inhabitant.
Day 11: Sunnies event if you didn't choose to ignore them. Otherwise, random event.
Day 12: Optional battle with Man-Eating Bird, with reward of 6 (Normal) or 3 (Hard) Food.
Day 13: Boat scene. You can talk it over with the girl, take the boat by force, or run away; talking with her is recommended for later scenes. If you talk with her, you get the option to give her 100, 300, 500, or no Material. If you do give her something, she gives you 1 Food in return.
Day 14: Safalin visits with shop.
Day 15: Battle with Middling Inhabitant.
Day 16: Story scene.
Day 17: Castaway scene. If you gave him 1 Food or none earlier, he's dead, though the scene differs between those two options. If you gave him 3, you receive 3 Food, 100 Material, and 20,000 yen.
Day 18: Random event.
Day 19: Touko scene if she survived; otherwise, random event. If you talked with her before, you can again give 100, 300, 500, or no Material, receiving 1 Food if you give her something. If you ran away before, you just see the boat.
Day 20: Battle with Middling Inhabitant.
Day 21: Story scene.
Day 22: Sunnies event if still doing well. Otherwise, random event.
Day 23: Safalin visits with shop.
Day 24: Jin scene if he survived; he gives you 1 Food. Otherwise, random event.
Day 25: Battle with Strong Inhabitant.
Day 26: Touko scene if you talked with her; otherwise, random event. You can again give 100, 300, 500, or no Material, receiving 1 Food if you give her something. If you've given her a total of at least 500 Material, she'll note that she has enough.
Day 27: Random event.
Day 28: Safalin visits, pursued by Man-Eating Bird. If you fight it, you get 6 (Normal) or 3 (Hard) Food, and she'll let you use her shop afterward. On this day only, she sells Fuel for 20,000 yen, which you'll need for the boat ending.
Day 29: Jin/Touko scene if Jin is alive and you gave Touko a total of 500 Material; otherwise, random event. You get the option to give them Fuel if you have it, which will allow for escape on Day 34.
Day 30: Battle with Strong Inhabitant.
Day 31: Ending scene. You can choose to escape with Miley for an ending, or stay on the island. There are three different outcomes for escaping as the only survivor, escaping with some survivors, or escaping with everyone alive.
(Characters who died before this point will be fought as Hallucinations in the folllowing days. If nobody died or you've defeated all of them, you fight Inhabitants instead. Deaths that occur after Day 31 don't count.)
Day 32: Battle with Hallucination or Strong Inhabitant.
Day 33: Sunnies event if still doing well. Otherwise, battle with Hallucination or Strong Inhabitant.
Day 34: If you got the Day 29 scene and gave them the Fuel, you get the option to escape for an ending.
Day 35: Battle with Hallucination or Strongest Inhabitant.
Day 36: Battle with Hallucination or Strongest Inhabitant.
Day 37: Battle with Hallucination or Strongest Inhabitant.
Day 38: Battle with Hallucination or Strongest Inhabitant.
Day 39: Battle with Hallucination or Strongest Inhabitant.
Day 40: Sunnies ending if you followed their events to the end (with variations if certain characters survived). Otherwise, island destruction ending.
Endings (SPOILERS)
Solitary Ending: Leave with Miley on Day 31 with only the protagonist alive.
Normal Ending: Leave with Miley on Day 31 with more than one survivor, but not everyone alive.
Revelation Ending: Leave with Miley on Day 31 with everyone still alive.
Boat Ending: On Day 9, give the castaway 3 Food. On Day 13, talk things out with the girl. Over the course of this scene and the two following Touko scenes, give her a total of 500 Material. (For optimal use of resources, I suggest giving 100, 100, then 300.)
On Day 28, fight the bird pursuing Safalin, then buy Fuel from her for 20,000 yen. On Day 29, give Jin and Touko the Fuel. On Day 31, choose to stay on the island. Finally, on Day 34, choose to escape on the boat.
(For the Boat Ending, characters dying only impacts whether those characters are present. Everyone's lines also vary slightly depending on how many of their Fondness scenes you've seen.)
Destruction Ending: On Day 31, choose to stay on the island, and survive until Day 40. (Number of survivors makes no difference.)
Sunnies Ending: Follow the Sunnies sidequest and succeed each time. On Day 31, choose to stay on the island. Succeed at the last Sunnies event on Day 33, and survive until Day 40. (Number of survivors is irrelevant, but whether key characters important to the protagonist survived can result in variations.)
Beating the game on Hard with any ending gets you a message from the person who had the highest Fondness (randomly selected in a tie). Each character has three tiers of message: negative Fondness, 65 or less Fondness, or 66+ Fondness. The last of those gets you a present from that person, which currently doesn't really do anything.
After getting any ending, you have the option to start a new playthrough retaining the Crafting and Foraging stats of your protagonist. At least currently, there's nothing unique to be gained from these "new game plus" playthroughs except theoretically to max out stats.
Translation Notes
(These contain spoilers for all aspects of the game. Only read after you've beaten it fully.)