Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea is a pseudo-RPG with a heavy story focus, made by Deep-Sea Prisoner in RPG Maker 2000.
A clear blue sea under a beautiful blue sky.
After a long departure, the sea witch Wadanohara travels back home with her familiars.
But her ex-familiar, the shark Samekichi, appears to block her way:
"You shouldn't be here... Leave this sea, right now."
Deep-Sea Prisoner rates this game "ages 15 and up," largely due to disturbing and graphic content later in the game. (This rating is Japan-centric and would likely be more strict by other countries' standards; 18 and up may be more appropriate.)
I would advise against playing if you think you may be upset by described sexual assault and violent imagery. Deep-Sea Prisoner also asks that players recognize it as a work of fiction that does not condone things in reality.
(Content Severity: Discretion Highly Advised)
Click here for more detailed content warnings.
A scene of implied sexual assault near the end involving a young-looking character. (No images are shown, but there is dialogue on a blank screen implying what's happening.)
Significant amounts of blood and gore.
Body horror.
Areas full of eyes.
Download Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea 1.04 | (Mirror)
(Chrome may falsely flag the download as malicious, but it's safe to ignore.)
Supported Platforms
The game's engine is made for Windows only, with no native support for other platforms.
The multi-platform EasyRPG Player mimics the behavior of RM2K and RM2K3, but may not always be exact. (Make sure to treat the Data folder as the game folder, not the containing folder.) Also, for Macs, you can try a general-purpose tool like WineBottler.
Usage Notes
Playthrough videos of Deep-Sea Prisoner's works are now allowed. However, they ask to refrain from monetization of any form, due to the terms of the free resources used.
[1] Japanese version readme
Make sure to extract the game to its own folder instead of running directly from the ZIP file. If you don't do so, any saves made will be lost the next time you run the game.
If you get a DirectDraw error, right-click the EXE, go to Properties, Compatibility, and try other compatibility modes.
If the font doesn't seem correct, download and install the MS Gothic font.
RPG Maker 2000 has some inherent, unfixable control bugs ("automatically moving in a direction" or "no buttons work"). The issues often seem to involve gamepads, or getting "stuck" on an input if Shift and a Numpad key are pressed simultaneously. Thus, try fiddling with gamepads and your keyboard until it fixes. (Reinstalling the game likely won't help.)
If you get "not implemented" errors on or near startup, make sure you have a working sound device (speakers/headphones). It can also occur mid-game if your system doesn't like a particular MP3, in which case, try to delete or replace the file in Music.
You may get "RPG Maker 2000/2003 RTP is not installed" or missing file errors on startup. This can happen if the path contains special symbols, causing files (including RPG_RT.ini) to not be found. Try moving the game folder somewhere without any special symbols in the path.

The game is very straightfoward, but there are some things you might miss. (Spoiler warning!)
Holy Healing Items
Collect the seven shiny keys and unlock the red chest in Deepsea Town for 99 of the ultimate healing items.
Shiny Key Locations
Shiny Key 1: On Star Isle, on the right path.
Shiny Key 2: Near the lonely grave at the back end of Lonely Isle.
Shiny Key 3: Down the left path on Windmill Isle.
Shiny Key 4: At the back end of Hydrangea Isle.
Shiny Key 5: On the path up Rocky Mount.
Shiny Key 6: In the top-left corner of Deepsea Town.
Shiny Key 7: On the path through Rainbow Isle.
Bad End 1
Escape from the battle on the Rocky Mount.
Bad End 2
Choose to go save Samekichi when he gets dragged away.
Normal End 1
Choose the only option.
Normal End 2
Continue after Normal End 1, and choose the only... other option.
True End
Continue after Normal End 2, and choose the last option.
Second Playthrough
There are actually no bonuses on your second playthrough. Sorry.
Bonus Comics
I've translated some of the Wadanohara comics from the bonus pages on Deep-Sea Prisoner's site.
Most are from the post-clear bonus page, so don't look at these before beating the game!
And like the game itself, be wary of morbid and unsettling images.
Bonus Comics
Below is a list of all the songs used in the game. I don't have individual source links, but all songs can be found in the Music folder. There are definite spoilers for their usage, so don't look until you've beaten the game!
The songs are from free resource sites, so they have no "official names" as far as this game goes. The filenames are the titles given by the original sites, which don't necessarily relate to their usage in the game. The "Usage" names are descriptions I made up based on where they're used - DSP had no part in deciding those.
Do not reupload these songs elsewhere without permission from their respective creators.
Song List
Filename | Usage | Source |
MusicEgg_WaltzOfDestiny | Title / Reunion | Music Egg |
Hagall_RustedChain | The Sea Witch | Hagall |
CAMeLIA_DinnerParty | Opening / Samekichi's Resolve | *CAMeLIA* |
Amor Kana_Skyblue | My Dear Girl | Amor Kana |
MusicEgg_YoullBeLate | Normal Battle | Music Egg |
MaouDamashii_Event31 | Game Over | Maou Damashii |
Hagall_FurtherThanTheMoon | Star Isle | Hagall |
MaouDamashii_Event37 | Versus Flippin' Birds | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Village08 | Nekoyama | Maou Damashii |
Hagall_EccentricWitchsShop | Chlomaki | Hagall |
Cnoc_StarvedMan | Versus Samekichi | Cnoc |
Amor Kana_HolyNightOfHeavySnow | Sea Kingdom Gate | Amor Kana |
Hagall_TreeShadeWaltz(Jingle) | Intermission | Hagall |
Amor Kana_DancingFairies | Path to Deepsea Town | Amor Kana |
MaouDamashii_Event05 | Battle 2 | Maou Damashii |
Cnoc_Ocean | Deepsea Town | Cnoc |
Amor Kana_LoneWorld | Music Box | Amor Kana |
Cnoc_Children | Tarako | Cnoc |
MusicEgg_AllAlone | Miyura | Music Egg |
Cnoc_PursuedJourney | Coral Sea | Cnoc |
Cnoc_HollowPath | Coral Path | Cnoc |
Amor Kana_NORNS | Sea of Stars | Amor Kana |
MusicEgg_Skirmish | Versus Helica | Music Egg |
Amor Kana_DryingOutDreams | Path to the Castle | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_MercuryTown | Sea God Castle | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_ToTheAngelsLostTheirWings(Crystal) | Princess's Seat | Amor Kana |
CAMeLIA_KakomeKakome | Totsusa Kingdom | *CAMeLIA* |
MusicEgg_Himari | New Clothes | Music Egg |
Cnoc_NostalgicSea(PianoVer) | Wadanohara's Piano | Cnoc |
Cnoc_FloatingArcadia(Piano) | Lonely Isle | Cnoc |
Cnoc_EndlessPlain | Island Cave | Cnoc |
Amor Kana_FleetingDreamInFog | Moonstones | Amor Kana |
Cnoc_YawlMovesOn | Windmill Isle | Cnoc |
Cnoc_ReverseRoom | Bunny Soldiers | Cnoc |
Cnoc_MadScientist | Versus Bunny Soldiers | Cnoc |
Cnoc_BirdCage | Hydrangea Isle | Cnoc |
MusicEgg_SuspiciousHealersWorkshop | A Strolling Orca | Music Egg |
Cnoc_CuriousSolidarity | Violent Orca | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Confrontation | Versus Orca | Cnoc |
On-Jin_BGM-LoopSuspenseR02 | Suspense | On-Jin |
Cnoc_DQesqueContinent | Underwater Cave | Cnoc |
Amor Kana_WindowLight | Deep Sea of Stars | Amor Kana |
Cnoc_TimeMarchesOn | Old Sea | Cnoc |
Amor Kana_OceanOfTheHeart | Wadanohara's Ocarina | Amor Kana |
Cnoc_TownBustle | Rainbow Isle | Cnoc |
MusicEgg_HappyDays | Rainbow! | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_UnderTheSameSky | Wadanohara's Piano | Music Egg |
Amor Kana_Gardenia | The Right to Choose | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_LifeInDeepGreen | Because I Want To | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_SkyBlueRain | Like Your Father | Amor Kana |
Senses Circuit_SunbeamSpot-PianoVer- | Wadanohara's Piano | Senses Circuit |
MusicEgg_CandySong | Banquet | Music Egg |
CAMeLIA_ShadowChaser | The Two Princesses | *CAMeLIA* |
Cnoc_RingingEars | What Am I Forgetting | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Strategem | Hired Mercenary | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Prison | Successful Plan | Cnoc |
MusicEgg_WondrousTime | Ride on Samekichi | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_ThePreparingPeople | Apple Isle | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_LittleJoys | Samekichi and the Apples | Music Egg |
Amor Kana_PaleMoonDrip | Under the Crescent Moon | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_GapOfTime | Never Feeling Lonely | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_OblivionOfTheFullMoon | ...No Treasure? | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_ma meno | Deep-Sea Drive | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_GlassOnTheWater | Thoughtful Tatsumiya | Amor Kana |
MusicEgg_LampInOneHand | Preparing for Tonight | Music Egg |
Amor Kana_NightOfTheWorldTree | Star Isle at Night | Amor Kana |
Senses Circuit_Wish | Star Tree | Senses Circuit |
Amor Kana_ThoughtsOnAMoonlitNight | I Got It Just For You | Amor Kana |
Cnoc_Ruins | Deep Trouble | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Emergency | Emergency Shortcut | Cnoc |
Cnoc_BlackForest | Enter Princess Totsusa | Cnoc |
MaouDamashii_Event18 | That's Not the King! | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Boss02 | Versus Vendetto | Maou Damashii |
Cnoc_Aporia | Laurentia Encounter | Cnoc |
MuzMuz_ImpromptuForMySlumber | Versus Laurentia | MusMus |
Cnoc_IntoTheUnknown | Ver Million | Cnoc |
Cnoc_RunTheWarbeatWasteland | Versus Ver | Cnoc |
MaouDamashii_Boss03 | Versus Merc Trio | Maou Damashii |
Cnoc_Infection | On the Offense | Cnoc |
Cnoc_SmallFryInvasion | Run from the Rabbits | Cnoc |
Cnoc_AutumnRainFall | Versus Hofuru | Cnoc |
MaouDamashii_Boss05 | Versus Totsusa | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Boss04 | Versus Artamos | Maou Damashii |
MusicEgg_MagicCronesResidence | Artamos the Lame | Music Egg |
Amor Kana_UndyingMoon | Umi and Satsu | Amor Kana |
Hagall_inventionear(Piano) | It Was Meee! | Hagall |
CAMeLIA_Dance of death | Ambassador of the Sea of Death | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_GentleNightmare | Sorrowful Remembrance | *CAMeLIA* |
Cnoc_BizarreHunt | Sea of Death Prison | Cnoc |
Cnoc_BloodAndRust | Deeper Old Sea | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Deceit | Sal, You Can't... | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Chasing | Sal Chase | Cnoc |
CAMeLIA_Moonlight | Princess Mikotsu | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_MarineBlue | Drifting into Dreams | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_GraySnow | Just a Dream...? | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_like a machine | JuS t a DrEA m | *CAMeLIA* |
Cnoc_Gray | where I belo ng | Cnoc |
CAMeLIA_Arrest | Sea of Death Denizens | *CAMeLIA* |
Cnoc_StagnantWater | Eroded Path | Cnoc |
Cnoc_DemonsDisposition | Sea of Death Enemy | Cnoc |
Cnoc_ItsAllOver | Versus Squid | Cnoc |
Cnoc_JustABadFeeling | Eroded Path 2 | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Migraine | Versus Old | Cnoc |
Cnoc_DeadEnd | Eroded Path to Castle | Cnoc |
Cnoc_ITrustedYou | Eroded Sea God Castle | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Nightmare | Versus Sheep | Cnoc |
Cnoc_RepeatingPulse | Eroded Sea God Castle 2 | Cnoc |
Cnoc_FinalDay | Versus Tsuribari & Stella | Cnoc |
MusicEgg_ClockSpinning | The Great Witch | Music Egg |
Senses Circuit_UneasinesS | Make You Mine | Senses Circuit |
CAMeLIA_silent eve | Normal End | *CAMeLIA* |
Hagall_TreeShadeWaltz | This Blue Sea | Hagall |
Amor Kana_HolyConcert | It's Not Your Fault | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_LoveSakura | Delivered Back | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_TearfulMoon | You Made It Back | Amor Kana |
Senses Circuit_loop_86 | Bonus Room | Senses Circuit |
MaouDamashii_Piano1 | Wadanohara's Piano | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Event17 | Octokiss! | Maou Damashii |
MusicEgg_MaidsWorkDiary | I Love to Stroll | Music Egg |
Senses Circuit_MemorysSigh | Sorcerer's Familiar | Senses Circuit |
MusMus_Honeymoon | Mercenary Aftermath | MusMus |
Amor Kana_ColorfulDestination | Cherry's Secret | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_OceanOfTheHeart(MusicBox) | To My Daughter | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_FatesLamentation | A Father's Sacrifice | Amor Kana |
MusicEgg_Bud | Album | Music Egg |
MaouDamashii_Town12b | Bloody Radio | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Theme08 | The Holy Radio Studio | Maou Damashii |
Senses Circuit_JackOLantern | Carnival Teaser | Senses Circuit |
CAMeLIA_LoiteringAlice | Wonderland Teaser | *CAMeLIA* |
Cnoc_Bloodstain | Unused | Cnoc |
Cnoc_DesertOnTheMoon | Unused | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Heartbreak | Unused | Cnoc |
Cnoc_WitchsFrolic | Unused | Cnoc |
MusicEgg_BreakingHeart | Unused | Music Egg |
On-Jin_BGM-LoopVarietyR01 | Unused | On-Jin |
Filename | Usage | Source |
Amor Kana_ColorfulDestination | Cherry's Secret | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_DancingFairies | Path to Deepsea Town | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_DryingOutDreams | Path to the Castle | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_FatesLamentation | A Father's Sacrifice | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_FleetingDreamInFog | Moonstones | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_GapOfTime | Never Feeling Lonely | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_Gardenia | The Right to Choose | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_GlassOnTheWater | Thoughtful Tatsumiya | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_HolyConcert | It's Not Your Fault | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_HolyNightOfHeavySnow | Sea Kingdom Gate | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_LifeInDeepGreen | Because I Want To | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_LoneWorld | Music Box | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_LoveSakura | Delivered Back | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_ma meno | Deep-Sea Drive | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_MercuryTown | Sea God Castle | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_NightOfTheWorldTree | Star Isle at Night | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_NORNS | Sea of Stars | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_OblivionOfTheFullMoon | ...No Treasure? | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_OceanOfTheHeart(MusicBox) | To My Daughter | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_OceanOfTheHeart | Wadanohara's Ocarina | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_PaleMoonDrip | Under the Crescent Moon | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_Skyblue | My Dear Girl | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_SkyBlueRain | Like Your Father | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_TearfulMoon | You Made It Back | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_ThoughtsOnAMoonlitNight | I Got It Just For You | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_ToTheAngelsLostTheirWings(Crystal) | Princess's Seat | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_UndyingMoon | Umi and Satsu | Amor Kana |
Amor Kana_WindowLight | Deep Sea of Stars | Amor Kana |
CAMeLIA_Arrest | Sea of Death Denizens | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_Dance of death | Ambassador of the Sea of Death | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_DinnerParty | Opening / Samekichi's Resolve | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_GentleNightmare | Sorrowful Remembrance | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_GraySnow | Just a Dream...? | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_KakomeKakome | Totsusa Kingdom | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_like a machine | JuS t a DrEA m | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_LoiteringAlice | Wonderland Teaser | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_MarineBlue | Drifting into Dreams | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_Moonlight | Princess Mikotsu | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_ShadowChaser | The Two Princesses | *CAMeLIA* |
CAMeLIA_silent eve | Normal End | *CAMeLIA* |
Cnoc_Aporia | Laurentia Encounter | Cnoc |
Cnoc_AutumnRainFall | Versus Hofuru | Cnoc |
Cnoc_BirdCage | Hydrangea Isle | Cnoc |
Cnoc_BizarreHunt | Sea of Death Prison | Cnoc |
Cnoc_BlackForest | Enter Princess Totsusa | Cnoc |
Cnoc_BloodAndRust | Deeper Old Sea | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Bloodstain | Unused | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Chasing | Sal Chase | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Children | Tarako | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Confrontation | Versus Orca | Cnoc |
Cnoc_CuriousSolidarity | Violent Orca | Cnoc |
Cnoc_DeadEnd | Eroded Path to Castle | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Deceit | Sal, You Can't... | Cnoc |
Cnoc_DemonsDisposition | Sea of Death Enemy | Cnoc |
Cnoc_DesertOnTheMoon | Unused | Cnoc |
Cnoc_DQesqueContinent | Underwater Cave | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Emergency | Emergency Shortcut | Cnoc |
Cnoc_EndlessPlain | Island Cave | Cnoc |
Cnoc_FinalDay | Versus Tsuribari & Stella | Cnoc |
Cnoc_FloatingArcadia(Piano) | Lonely Isle | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Gray | where I belo ng | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Heartbreak | Unused | Cnoc |
Cnoc_HollowPath | Coral Path | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Infection | On the Offense | Cnoc |
Cnoc_IntoTheUnknown | Ver Million | Cnoc |
Cnoc_ITrustedYou | Eroded Sea God Castle | Cnoc |
Cnoc_ItsAllOver | Versus Squid | Cnoc |
Cnoc_JustABadFeeling | Eroded Path 2 | Cnoc |
Cnoc_MadScientist | Versus Bunny Soldiers | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Migraine | Versus Old | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Nightmare | Versus Sheep | Cnoc |
Cnoc_NostalgicSea(PianoVer) | Wadanohara's Piano | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Ocean | Deepsea Town | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Prison | Successful Plan | Cnoc |
Cnoc_PursuedJourney | Coral Sea | Cnoc |
Cnoc_RepeatingPulse | Eroded Sea God Castle 2 | Cnoc |
Cnoc_ReverseRoom | Bunny Soldiers | Cnoc |
Cnoc_RingingEars | What Am I Forgetting | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Ruins | Deep Trouble | Cnoc |
Cnoc_RunTheWarbeatWasteland | Versus Ver | Cnoc |
Cnoc_SmallFryInvasion | Run from the Rabbits | Cnoc |
Cnoc_StagnantWater | Eroded Path | Cnoc |
Cnoc_StarvedMan | Versus Samekichi | Cnoc |
Cnoc_Strategem | Hired Mercenary | Cnoc |
Cnoc_TimeMarchesOn | Old Sea | Cnoc |
Cnoc_TownBustle | Rainbow Isle | Cnoc |
Cnoc_WitchsFrolic | Unused | Cnoc |
Cnoc_YawlMovesOn | Windmill Isle | Cnoc |
Hagall_EccentricWitchsShop | Chlomaki | Hagall |
Hagall_FurtherThanTheMoon | Star Isle | Hagall |
Hagall_inventionear(Piano) | It Was Meee! | Hagall |
Hagall_RustedChain | The Sea Witch | Hagall |
Hagall_TreeShadeWaltz(Jingle) | Intermission | Hagall |
Hagall_TreeShadeWaltz | This Blue Sea | Hagall |
MaouDamashii_Boss02 | Versus Vendetto | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Boss03 | Versus Merc Trio | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Boss04 | Versus Artamos | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Boss05 | Versus Totsusa | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Event05 | Battle 2 | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Event17 | Octokiss! | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Event18 | That's Not the King! | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Event31 | Game Over | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Event37 | Versus Flippin' Birds | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Piano1 | Wadanohara's Piano | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Theme08 | The Holy Radio Studio | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Town12b | Bloody Radio | Maou Damashii |
MaouDamashii_Village08 | Nekoyama | Maou Damashii |
MusicEgg_AllAlone | Miyura | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_BreakingHeart | Unused | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_Bud | Album | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_CandySong | Banquet | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_ClockSpinning | The Great Witch | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_HappyDays | Rainbow! | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_Himari | New Clothes | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_LampInOneHand | Preparing for Tonight | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_LittleJoys | Samekichi and the Apples | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_MagicCronesResidence | Artamos the Lame | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_MaidsWorkDiary | I Love to Stroll | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_Skirmish | Versus Helica | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_SuspiciousHealersWorkshop | A Strolling Orca | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_ThePreparingPeople | Apple Isle | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_UnderTheSameSky | Wadanohara's Piano | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_WaltzOfDestiny | Title / Reunion | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_WondrousTime | Ride on Samekichi | Music Egg |
MusicEgg_YoullBeLate | Normal Battle | Music Egg |
MusMus_Honeymoon | Mercenary Aftermath | MusMus |
MuzMuz_ImpromptuForMySlumber | Versus Laurentia | MusMus |
On-Jin_BGM-LoopSuspenseR02 | Suspense | On-Jin |
On-Jin_BGM-LoopVarietyR01 | Unused | On-Jin |
Senses Circuit_JackOLantern | Carnival Teaser | Senses Circuit |
Senses Circuit_loop_86 | Bonus Room | Senses Circuit |
Senses Circuit_MemorysSigh | Sorcerer's Familiar | Senses Circuit |
Senses Circuit_SunbeamSpot-PianoVer- | Wadanohara's Piano | Senses Circuit |
Senses Circuit_UneasinesS | Make You Mine | Senses Circuit |
Senses Circuit_Wish | Star Tree | Senses Circuit |
Translation Notes
(These contain spoilers for all aspects of the game. Only read after you've beaten it fully.)