Vocaloid Highlights: April 2023

No foolin', she IS the star.


April Star- OSTER project
Toe Loop- Shaito
Cheap Property- Frog96
King Queen Jack Dance- Miyamori Bungaku
Samsa- Teniwoha
Heart-Fluttering Star☆Land!- A4.
Nero- Hiiragi Kirai
Misfortune All- Ichi
Ameri- Niru Kajitsu
A Brief History of Us- ryuryu
Gourami Kiss- REISAI
Spring Express Train- Nataneabura
Unclear Wisdom- Iruma
Requiem- Kanaria
Startling Dystopia- Madoka Kurosawa
Kotonoha Dance Da-Da-Da-Dance- Yakamochi
Strobe Caster- Potential0
Euphobia- Pizuya's Cell
Record of Exile- Pohmi
Simulcaster- Yoshida Yasei
Know Misery- Yunosuke
Rain Shelter- Amenosuke
Babel- Iyowa
Obscured- Zarubowl
Mad Head Worm- Koushi
Open Eyes Lost in Void- IDONO KAWAZU

Worth Your Time

Anomaly- Gomennasai ga Ienakute
You-Colored Sky- Noukin
Non-Inevitable- Mase
Greed Gazer- sAnkaku
One Day At A Time- Anh Duy
Ms. Dummy- Junky
Insomnia- Shikihi
Meaningless Music- m-sode
On a Night of Red Ruin- Boku no Kansoubun
Be The MUSIC!- Kinoshita
Closing the Distance to You- LUME
Absolute Status Quo Keeping- Sohta
Imitation in the Mirror- Yuro Mashima
Burnit!!- HYNOME
Plant Human- UmiKazeTaiyou-P
Diva- Chinozo
In Praise of Youth- Kazawara
Apple and Pomegranate- Nanashi Hachiya
Retro Future Being- Ine Muri
Dream Dancer- Gomennasai ga Ienakute
Rainy Noise- SAKURAmoti
Words Are Longing To Get Out- Yashiro Uso
Happy End- Barabara
Konpeito and Love Horoscope- irucaice
Let Me See- RED
Water Space- Roca
Ultramarine- Kaga
Let's Die Together With the Piano After It Breaks- SLAVE V-V-R
You Don't Listen To People, Huh- Aotani
Fleeting Eternity- Yasuha.
RED- regulus
Final Correspondence- Chiitana
Muddy- Minamo Minato
Bouquet- Murata Shiyuu
Demo Song- Camelots
Dream Girl- Harukawa Hashikko
I'm Home- nogumi
Haustier- Ippitsu Kamome
Conspiracist- R Sound Design
I Just Can't Live- Gomennasai ga Ienakute
Destruction Girl- Moimi Kashi
The Same Outcome- Nakiso
Gerbera- saikawa
Lost Forever- HanaSoumen-P
Impurity- Hijiri
save to heart- pepensow
Aster- Outer Ring
Stop the HICCUP- Buchapati
Midnight Railroad Crossing- U-Ray
Last Order- RuLu
Spring Haze, Clouding in Windstorms- mawari
If Life Has a Weight- Gogotea
Happy Creator- Shishido
Te-Te-Te- Mutou Lemon
Metamorphose- FeLL
Lost City Girl- 55ymtk
Love and Sakura are Moments.- Satou Genzairyou
Season's Cheeks and Wonderland- Kai
Night Walk- Murata Shiyuu
Gold Prize- Shinohara
Rainy- Rakuen Shigai
Raine-chan '89- doriko
Da Da Dawn- Twinfield
Our Experiment- Kinkasen-P
Sound of Spring's Departure- Watashi
Trash Can Search- Okeya
Climber- Komedawara
Wind Sprint- ____natural
Won't Kill- Abu-Se-Ken
Divine Possession Parallel- Torque
White Clouds- Yurey
Lethal- Walnut Shoes
Pervert- Peg
Waiting in the Sea- ice
Sorrow's Pocket- Uro
Nothing to Sell But Kindness- No.D
Light Blue- Oribe Ryou
Damage Fashion- Booro
Poor Loser Gymnastics #1- Bashauma Kaede
Seriously Sick Blossom- Takh
Scar- Nakase Miru
PAREIDO (Parade)- EO
Anaphylaxis- szri
X-Mark Batter- Adisai
Your Point of View- Naisho no Pierced
The Day I Learned Love- m-sode
PLUG→OUT- tekalu
Labyrinth- higma
Lamentin' Bein' Sick (Special Version)- Yuro Mashima
Reminiscence Poetry- Yukino Ito
Vanity- Fushi
L Violet- ren
Refrain & Remind- Yurame
Round and Round and Under- Toiki
Teto-Teto-Toteto- Yazuki
Monologue- Komedawara
The Day's End- Chikara
Boiling Isol-ization (2023 ver.)- ANGL
Beyond Sleep, It Doesn't Rain.- Aira
You said you love me- Reichi

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