Vocaloid Highlights: April 2020

And they listened to Vocaloid ever after.


Road to the Land of Chremistica- Monosenbei
words- Karap-P
Ever After- Doten
Reach Out- Anh Duy
Strawberry Taste- Cofey
Unending Heart- Kaga
Playback- Natsuki Aoya
Survival Strategy- Aiiro Nishimon
This Day- MJQ
Troy Ounce Carpenter Worm- Aru Choumiryou
At Home Crazy- john
I meets You!!- Mikito-P
Addiction- TakaKKK
Artificial Happiness- Shishido
Mountain- Mama
Give My Regards to Psychedelic- Dopam!ne
Become a Pig, Yeah Yeah- Neru
The World Hasn't Even Started Yet- Pinocchio-P
Drowned Jellyfish- Rin Kashuu
Bocca della Verità- Hiiragi Kirai
Colorful Tag Team- halyosy
Ripe- tamon
Wish Song- Iori Kanzaki
Secret- Harumaki Gohan

Worth Your Time

Politeness Toad En Route- IDONO KAWAZU
Canary's Lament- Chinozo
Summer Sleet- Watasho
Lost Kid's Song- Ako
The World Ends- Kyuu_91
JokerBoy- Ao Wi-Fi
Sardine and Car 1- Fukurou-san no Rakugaki
Gloria- Rakuen Shigai
I Couldn't Call It Love- Manbo-Dead-Behind-the-House-P
WH Syndrome- Noi
Hallelujah- s5
Night and Reconciliation- Fexxxn
Good Morning, My Songstress- Tota Kasamura
The Fact There's a Blank- Sheeno Mirin
Confine- Tsumibito
5/4-Time of the Moonlit Night- Madoka Kurosawa
Snow-Thaw Knife- Nejishiki
City Power Outage- Ze_
From Today Forth, Thank You is Discriminatory- Manbo-Dead-Behind-the-House-P
Good Luckers- HarryP
Hollow- Aoris
Human Distrust- Ran
Venom Killer- nyanyannya
Blossom- imie
Sound of Flowers- Mary
Promised Star- Chiitana
Fireworks Boy- Amenosuke
Dimly- Adomiori
That Day, The World Had the Same Dream- oka
Digital Cell Girl- Otogaki
Tape Echo- 36g
Deluded Guernica- TaKU.K
Crash- Nasu
Sound- Hono
Secret Crying Without You- Sohbana
Astraea's Despair- Guchiri
Wonderland- higma
Excessive Intake- Amano Kosoado
Strobe- nao
Crab-Crab Carnival- Koganemushi
disto(a)rtion- Abu-Se-Ken
TRIP- kuri
Separation Girl- Misshitsu no Koi
Oh-Oh-Oxygen- Yukitomo
April Juvenile- Pekuchin
Mute- Mama
Windowless Room- Task
Supercooling- Mizore
Luka- TEMA16
Orca- irucaice
Silent Suicide- boomman
Monochrome- Amachi
Wait for Good Weather- Tota Kasamura
Lively Beat Step- u0079fty
Indigo's End- aoneko
Blockage- Obagi Schun-Chee
Ignoramus- jon-YAKITORY
Become Butterflies- nodio
Champagne Day- Nanahoshi
I Know Eyes- Eigufuto
Playing With Puppets- Kisala
pain&girl- Yamazakura-P
Grand Prediction- Mikito-P
In a Corner- RT-G.o.B.S
Constellation Line- Nanatsunatsu
Transparent Poison- ive
Ghost and Indigo Sky- Glue
Love, Do You Copy?- Harenomurakumo-P
Fish Tank Brain- Ako
Anonymous Dreamer- Miini
One Room Ghost- Kashiko.
Jupiter Beat- Nayutalien

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