Vocaloid Highlights: February 2018

How many days are in February again??


Still Living- KI
Unclear Everyday- daniwell
Zazen Punks- Potential0
Argument by Emotion- Shipo
Give Me Chocolate!!!- marasy
If I Became Someone's Heart- yurryCanon
Melty Land Nightmare- Harumaki Gohan
A Fool is...- sasakure.UK
Angel- tama
Fantasy Pianist- Hitoshizuku x Yama△
Morning Star Galactica- Nayutalien
Pain Eraser- halyosy
If There's Love.- Iori Kanzaki
I'm a Scarecrow.- Amenomurakumo-P
Faint-Color Float- Pote
Welcome Home- Wataru Sena
Forever- Crusher-P
Roki- Mikito-P
Lost Umbrella- Inabacumori
Monster's Curse- Jitabata-P

Worth Your Time

Step!- Hari Awami
snowy memory- GazigaziCreationZ
Merry Bad End- Mafumafu
Searchlight Dream- Kayopii
Love-at-First-Sight Night- *Luna
Surely If You Always Loved Me- short
#Null#- Wakaba
Dyeing Dirge- Chiitana
Souvenir Roomie- Loin
Answers- Dayone-P
Inappropriate Lady- OSTER project
Going to Repent- Maigo Hanyuu
Scooping Bubbles- Ichita
Midwinter Coast- Tokyo Sally-chan
I Become Water- Shannon
Correa- mao sasagawa
For Instance, At Your End- Yoshiyuki Yoshida
Smolder- ____natural
1/2- Miwashiba
Shooting Star Striker Re:mix (2018)- Mizian
Sweet Agitation- Rei-P
By the Time You Forget Me- Umiro
Traumerei and the Bowing Flower- Islet
Back Alley Hero- Tonchi
Dine on Complex Art- miriko
Shutter Chance- yamada
Prism- Aiiro Nishimon
World Unification Theory- ushiee
Bitter Majesty- 8Prince
Sky Moon Sea- mamiyo
east end and bocci- kaichi
mentir- mao sasagawa
Angelicus- Tomoka Kirihime
Nauka- Saru (サル)
DASH- short
Irregular Pulse- Zankyou-P
39Mile- Fujimasa
Drowning in Ultramarine- Yatoichi
- mochiton
Parallel World- picco
August's A Long Way Away- Mori
Shock Wave- RT-G.o.B.S
Get Back The SUN!- Jille.Starz☆
Corruption- Parsley Oonuma
Breathe In, Breathe Out.- Zumita
Surely, Surely Again- yuki takahashi
ROUTE 23- Patirchev
Alive- Tsukada Kouki
Future- D.K.WORKS
"R"etter- Bau
Endless Dream- forute
Ice Crystal- Treow
Unmagnet Rain- Aoto Kei
Nonsaino- Nashimoto-P
Scattered Heart- Kairiki Bear
At Spring's End- Yasaotoko-P
Loved Memories- Kosuge Konnyaku
Hello, 10th Anniversary- Otozure
Blockade- Shin Arakawa
Possibility's Alter Ego- grief art
Like Signal- Arch≠
Cast a Spell- Yagawa Noname
Anonymous- Zankyou-P

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