Vocaloid Highlights: July 2013

'Allo from the pawn shop, with fleeting contrast on my torn Vocaloid Highlights. (I like KTKT okay.)


Moon-Viewing Recital- Jin
Touch and Go☆Zen Girl- Rerulili
Body-Selling Maiden- Nashimoto-P
Moon Night Party- sizimi
KiLLER No. 06- Myumu
Another Cheery Day- Fuwari-P
Words Song- 40mP
I Am A Cat- daniwell
Blindness- PolyphonicBranch
White Prism- papiyon
cLick cRack- Giga
Showgirl's Horseplay- Utsu-P
Viva Happy- Mitchie M
That You Are the Sky Saddens- HoneyWorks
Justified Genocide- Karasuya Sabou

Worth Your Time

Take Me To Heaven- take_coke
Raindrop Wonderland- MazoP
Tennouji Nostalgic- Kimuta
Boy Noah and Φ's Chance Meeting- cosMo
Netherworld Storybook- Tyki
Lonely UFO- Pinocchio-P
Fleeting Contrast- KTKT
birth- otetsu
Undying- Wazama
Disgusting Brutal Favoritism- u-z
Dulldaism- Nuyuri
In Torn Tights- KTKT
First-Quarter Moon- Kurousa
Andro- otetsu
ZtoA- Holic
Arc Kitsune's Rebellion- marasy
Allô- KTKT
Fairytale Boyfriend and Girlfriend- Nem
Twisted- Patirchev
Summer Fish Philosophia- Jinsei-P
LET'S TYPE!- daniwell
Fluttering Petals and Falling Leaves- Natsume Senshuu
The Have-Not Brimming With Talent- otetsu
The Angel Fish- Patirchev
Davinci's Confession- 666
Fictional World- papiyon
C.W.R.- Team Kamiuta
Lost in the Pawn Shop- KTKT
Strange Animal- Pinocchio-P
Balsam- Madoka Kurosawa
Wonder Wormhole- monaca:factory
Party at Undo World- YM

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