Vocaloid Highlights: September 2012


The hard part this time wasn't so much narrowing down the good songs as it was picking which ones were the best. Obviously, to ensure I didn't mistakenly leave a really good song out of Stand-Outs, you should just listen to all of them.


Bare Earth Travel- Hinata Denkou
Straying Rhapsody- Hitoshizuku x Yama△
Object of Affection- Mikuzu
Moon-Viewing Rabbit- papiyon
Unknown Weed- T-POCKET
Song of the Demon Azami- Yuu Miyashita
WAVE- niki
Thanks, Screw-Bolt- YM
Lonely Child- otetsu
Tokyo Cyber Detectives- PolyphonicBranch
Toluthin Antenna- Retasu-P
The Way A Lady Dresses- Sudachi
Bamboo Cutter Overnight Sensation- HoneyWorks
The Bookworm Girl Insane- Karasuya Sabou

Worth Your Time

Dream Elegy- Karap-P
Shrine Maiden of the Star God- oz
Orange Genome- Tsunamaru
Mother-of-Pearl Bone- Babu-chan
silent forest- river
Kowloon Retro- Tohma
Weapons of Love- otetsu
Love of the Camellia Princess- PolyphonicBranch
Summer Girl- BIRUGE
Imaginary Capability- Melazoma-P
Twilight Cicada Diary- Mafumafu
Confetti Tour- tom"U"
Svartalfheim- Deadball-P
Patchwork City Protocol- millstones
Dragon Rising- takamatt
Singing Traveling Raven- Capitaro
So-Si-La Recorder- Shokubai Phantom Girl
Meteor Swarm- Camellia
Träumeline- miro
Phantom Thief P-P-P-P-Panther!- Waka
She Met A Dragon- Ishifuro
MUGIC- Rerulili
Deep-Sea Diver- muhmue
Words ≧ Imitation- Yairi
Lo-Fi Boy- Ishifuro
Bye-Bye, God!- Tonkatsu
Quantum Entanglement- Camellia
Holding An Unplayed Guitar.- Nekobolo

vghime's PV Corner
A good PV for a good, largely-ignored song: Fushimatsu's Little Sound Dial.

After four songs of being oddly reminiscent of wowaka, Hinata Denkou passively inherited one more wowaka tradition: getting awesome unofficial PVs made for him. (Source: Avogado6's Plastic Cage PV)

Lastly, Sunafuki's PV for Risshuu's Gut-Wrench (AKA "Uni," but in the weird onomatopoeia sense rather than "sea urchin") has achieved maximum cute.

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