Witch's Heart is an adventure game by IZ (BLUE STAR Entertainment) made in RPG Maker 2000. It's a story-focused game with occasional action elements.
While playing up in the mountains, Claire Elford finds herself taking shelter from the rain in a mansion.
Soon, she finds four other people, some bizarre monsters - and no way back out.
In the company of demons, the five must figure out how to escape...
and solve the mystery of the legendary wish-granting treasure, the Witch's Heart.
The story is split into several separate games. Witch's Heart contains four scenarios, about 3 hours each. After completing these, Witch's Heart -Bonus Stage- continues the story. The story does not end there, and more will be coming at a later date.
For spoiler details, click here.
The story will have four different branching endings after Bonus Stage.
Although Zizel emphasizes your "choice," they'll be released one at a time, and you can play them all if you wish.
The planned release order is as follows.
1. Unknown Past, Dorothy's Secret: Conclusion
2. Beautiful Flower, Demon's Curse: Conclusion
3. Find the Legendary Witch's Heart!: Conclusion
4. Mansion Riddles, Fantasy Worlds: Conclusion
Also of note: It has been stated that both Wilardo and Ashe's conclusions will themselves have two branching endings. (Sirius's and Noel's were initially planned to as well, but ended up shifting to just one.)
This game is rated R-15. You should be at minimum 15 years old. There is considerable gory content (both illustrated and sprited), as well as some dark themes in general.
(Content Severity: Severe)
Click here for more detailed content warnings.
Considerable gore, body horror, and blood.
Murder, suicide, and self-harm.
Dark themes in general.
Mention of abuse of young girls in an optional scene (the Lime's Memories flashback story).
There's one short and simple "chase" scene near the start of Witch's Heart, but that's about all there is of that.
A semi-questionable plot point involving a character's gender, though I feel it's handled decently.
(Spoilery details below.)
The character presents as male, but in the past was known as female, with a different name.
While the characters do express confusion upon learning this, I would say it's treated rather respectfully.
After the "reveal," there are still references/flashbacks to his "female past self," but nothing that feels out of turn.
More details are revealed later, but ultimately, things are left open for a transgender interpretation.
Download Witch's Heart 2.03 | (Mirror)
Download Witch's Heart -Bonus Stage- 1.10 | (Mirror)
(To be played after Witch's Heart. Transfer save to keep sidequest progress.)
Click here to show post-Bonus Stage downloads.
These "conclusion" games are to be played after Bonus Stage. They're listed here in release order (which is the recommended order if you plan to play them all), but can be played in any order.
Note: IZ describes the conclusions as being primarily made for those who "chose" that option at the end of Bonus Stage. Each aims to please a different kind of audience, and can't afford to cater to everyone's tastes. Thus, they want people to be accepting of this aspect when playing conclusions they "didn't choose."
As with Witch's Heart to Bonus Stage, you can transfer your save from the end of Bonus Stage to keep sidequest progress; you can also do this between conclusion games. (Warning: Unknown Past, Dorothy's Secret has yet to be updated to support transferring from other conclusions, so avoid doing so for now.)
Download "Unknown Past, Dorothy's Secret" Conclusion 1.10 | (Mirror)
Download "Beautiful Flower, Demon's Curse" Conclusion 1.01 | (Mirror)
"Find the Legendary Witch's Heart!" Conclusion (Not yet released)
"Mansion Riddles, Fantasy Worlds" Conclusion (Not yet released)
(Chrome may falsely flag the download as malicious, but it's safe to ignore.)
Supported Platforms
The game's engine is made for Windows only, with no native support for other platforms.
The multi-platform EasyRPG Player mimics the behavior of RM2K and RM2K3, but may not always be exact. (Make sure to treat the Data folder as the game folder, not the containing folder.) Also, for Macs, you can try a general-purpose tool like WineBottler.
Usage Notes
Videos and live streams are allowed. Monetization of these is allowed, and exclusive paid streams are allowed for the most recent versions as of November 26th, 2024. (Specifically: Witch's Heart 2.03+, Bonus Stage 1.10+, UPDSC 1.11+ (not yet available), all versions of rest.)
Fanworks are allowed. Selling fanworks is okay if kept to a "hobbyist" scope (this includes conventions). Fangames are allowed, but should not reuse illustrations or resources from the original game.
While there are few restrictions on fanworks themselves, when posting in the official #WitchsHeart tag, please avoid depictions of anything that is not official canon, such as romantic pairings or sexuality headcanons. (This is standard practice in Japanese fandom, and thus for the sake of Japanese people - including IZ - who browse the tag.)
Images from the game may be used to introduce the game or for personal/hobbyist purposes, but should not be claimed as your own, nor used for harmful or commercial purposes. They may be used as-is for avatar or header images.
Going forward, any modification of images created by IZ is forbidden, with the exception of minor edits for playthrough video thumbnails, like adding text. The rights to the characters and illustrations belong to IZ, so please be mindful of the fact they're someone's creation and respect these rules.
Also, please refrain from posting unused illustrations or sprites from the game data.
[1] Japanese rules page
[2] English rules page
Make sure to extract the game to its own folder instead of running directly from the ZIP file. If you don't do so, any saves made will be lost the next time you run the game.
The intro movies may cause errors (or play improperly) on some systems. (If playing in fullscreen, switching to windowed may fix this in some cases.) You have the option to skip them, and there's a save prompt beforehand to help ensure no progress is lost. They can be viewed externally in the "Movie" folder in Data.
If you get a DirectDraw error, right-click the EXE, go to Properties, Compatibility, and try other compatibility modes.
If the font doesn't seem correct, download and install the MS Gothic font.
RPG Maker 2000 has some inherent, unfixable control bugs ("automatically moving in a direction" or "no buttons work"). The issues often seem to involve gamepads, or getting "stuck" on an input if Shift and a Numpad key are pressed simultaneously. Thus, try fiddling with gamepads and your keyboard until it fixes. (Reinstalling the game likely won't help.)
If you get "not implemented" errors on or near startup, make sure you have a working sound device (speakers/headphones). It can also occur mid-game if your system doesn't like a particular MP3, in which case, try to delete or replace the file in Music.
You may get "RPG Maker 2000/2003 RTP is not installed" or missing file errors on startup. This can happen if the path contains special symbols, causing files (including RPG_RT.ini) to not be found. Try moving the game folder somewhere without any special symbols in the path.

A walkthrough for all scenarios and demon requests.
Walk north.
After meeting Ashe, try to enter the mansion.
Walk up.
Day 1
Proceed along, up the stairs, and talk to Wilardo in the hall to the right.
Go downstairs and inform Ashe, then return to where Wilardo was.
After the battle tutorial, run into the dining room (the leftmost door on 1F).
After the scene, return to the dining room and grab the frying pan from the kitchen.
Return to the right side of the second floor and talk to Ashe or Wilardo.
Put the frying pan back in its place in the kitchen. Also, talk to Wilardo there.
On the right side of 1F, there will be a new passage. Go through it.
Walk to the end, talk to the girl, then run back. (Remember, hold Shift to run.)
Go down to the entrance hall and meet Noel on the stairs.
Go to the dining room.
After being shown the rooms, you're presented with a choice.
Trading rooms with Ashe will lead to a bad ending.
(Bad end walkthrough: Talk to everyone, then sleep in the green room, then check everyone's room.)
Afterward, you'll be able to go back and refuse Ashe to proceed as normal.
Go to Sirius's room (the blue door on 1F) and read both books about demons on the left.
Return to Claire's room and walk halfway into it to meet Zizel.
Try on the dress in Claire's left dresser.
Go outside to make it night, then re-enter Claire's room.
Talk to Zizel and play with her, and win to get the Pretty Bottle.
(When your hand beats Zizel's, Attack quickly to win. If she beats you, Defend quickly to not lose.)
After winning the bottle and trying on the dress, you can go to bed.
Ashe's Scenario (Find the Legendary Witch's Heart!)
Day 2
[After doing your first scenario, you're given the choice to skip past the following steps.]
Put on the dress in the left dresser.
Go to the dining room for breakfast.
Go to the bathroom (2F, left of the guest rooms) to take a bath.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Day, Monster Level 1 or 5)
Done with requests? Resume here!
If you chose this scenario as your first, here's a guide for the first demon request "session."
Go up to the attic and talk to the demon in the top-right corner behind the counter.
Equip the Pretty Bottle from the Item menu.
Check the nearby pot to fill the bottle with water, and splash it on the demon.
Go do the same for the other two demons, located at the left end of 2F and the right end of 1F.
(There are various places to get water, like barrels containing it, or sinks in the bathroom/kitchen.)
Talk to Ashe in his room.
After doing the demon requests and talking to Ashe, go to the dining room and make lunch.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Ashe, Day, Monster Level 2 or 6)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Talk to Wilardo in his room.
Talk to Sirius in his room.
Talk to Claire in the dining room, then go talk to her in her room.
Defeat the boss monster.
(Touching Claire or "checking" her as she passes by will heal you a bit at a time.)
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Night, Monster Level 3 or 7)
Done with requests? Resume here!
If this is your first scenario, return to Claire's room for a scene.
If this is your second scenario, make sure to meet Lime in the bottom-right door in Charlotte's Neon Space.
(If there's no door, go to Candy Space from the left end of 2F and press the switch.)
If you can't go to bed yet, chat with Ashe.
Go to bed.
Day 3
Go to the dining room and talk to Claire in the kitchen.
Talk to Wilardo outside Noel's room.
Return to Ashe's room for a scene.
As Wilardo, try to enter Noel's room.
Ask Claire and Sirius in their rooms about Noel.
Go everywhere available (specifically: bathroom, dining room, entrance hall, 2F left end), then try to enter Ashe's room.
As Claire, talk to Ashe to have him join Claire's party.
Go talk to Wilardo and Sirius in their rooms.
Talk to the eyeball monster in the attic and win their game. (Solution)
Afterward, return to Ashe's room.
Head toward the entrance hall to spot the monsters.
Return to the guest room hallway.
After the meeting, talk to Ashe, then leave the dining room.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Night, Monster Level 4 or 8)
Done with requests? Resume here!
If you haven't yet, talk to Charlotte in the area right of the attic (this also counts as a request).
Talk to Noel outside Sirius's room.
Afterward, go to bed.
Day 4
Put on the dress in the left dresser.
Go to the dining room and talk to Ashe.
Enter Sirius's room and go to the back.
In Sirius's room, read the two books in the middle bookshelves.
(You can choose "skip" if you've read them before, but you must still check them.)
Return to Claire's room for a short scene.
Go to the attic back room.
Go to the left end of 2F and talk to Charlotte.
As Wilardo, check the room on the right side of 1F, right of Sirius's room.
Read the diary in the center.
Bring the diary to Claire in her room.
As Ashe, talk to Noel in the guest room hallway.
Go to Ashe's room and check the newspaper article on the table.
As Claire, go to the kitchen and check the frying pan to make omelettes.
Talk to Wilardo in front of Noel's room.
Day 5
Talk to Claire in her room.
Go to the left end of 2F and check the monster by the windows.
Talk to Wilardo in front of Noel's room.
As Charlotte, talk to Zizel and Lime.
Then find the big monster and walk up to it.
After the credits, go to Claire's room.
Head out the front door.
After Ashe's scenario, proceed to Wilardo's if you haven't done it yet.
If you've done both, but not the bad ending, take the left warp and agree to trade rooms with Ashe.
Once you have three shards from the two full scenarios and bad ending, you can do Sirius's scenario.
Wilardo's Scenario (Beautiful Flower, Demon's Curse)
Day 2
[After doing your first scenario, you're given the choice to skip past the following steps.]
Put on the dress in the left dresser.
Go to the dining room for breakfast.
Go to the bathroom (2F, left of the guest rooms) to take a bath.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Day, Monster Level 1 or 5)
Done with requests? Resume here!
If you chose this scenario as your first, here's a guide for the first demon request "session."
Go up to the attic and talk to the demon in the top-right corner behind the counter.
Equip the Pretty Bottle from the Item menu.
Check the nearby pot to fill the bottle with water, and splash it on the demon.
Go do the same for the other two demons, located at the left end of 2F and the right end of 1F.
(There are various places to get water, like barrels containing it, or sinks in the bathroom/kitchen.)
Go talk to Wilardo in his room.
After doing the demon requests and talking to Wilardo, go to the dining room and make lunch.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Wilardo, Day, Monster Level 2 or 6)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Talk to Ashe in the attic.
After demon requests, go to Ashe's room for a scene.
Talk to Sirius in his room.
Find Claire on the left end of 2F.
Defeat the boss monster.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Night, Monster Level 3 or 7)
Done with requests? Resume here!
If this is your first scenario, return to Claire's room for a scene.
If this is your second scenario, make sure to meet Lime in the bottom-right door in Charlotte's Neon Space.
(If there's no door, go to Candy Space from the left end of 2F and press the switch.)
If you can't go to bed yet, chat with Wilardo.
Go to bed.
Day 3
Ask Ashe to come with you.
Go to Sirius's room and talk to Claire.
Go to the attic and talk to the monster that appeared by the stairs.
Talk to the monster in the Aurora Space to get the Kaleidoscope.
Use the Kaleidoscope from the item menu, then exit it.
Go to Sirius's room and give the Kaleidoscope to Claire.
Return to Wilardo's room and chat with Ashe, then leave.
As Claire, follow Sirius outside.
Ask Ashe to come with you.
Go to Sirius's room and talk to Wilardo.
Talk to the kaleidoscope monster in the attic, and enter the newly-appeared door in the Aurora Space.
Clear the four trials in the rooms.
1. Walk onto the second-leftmost red "up" tile. Then walk up. Then walk left. Then walk right.
2. Wait for the eyes to move far enough away to get onto the safe tiles beside them.
3. A spot-the-difference challenge. (Solution)
4. Get on the minecart and press the gold switch. Then quickly dash to each switch and press it.
After the trials, open the big chest that appears in the main room.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Wilardo, Night, Monster Level 4 or 8)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Go to the bathroom to have Claire take her bath.
Go to Charlotte's Neon Space (right of the attic) and talk to Charlotte.
Talk to Sirius or Ashe in Sirius's room.
Return to Wilardo's room and go to bed.
Day 4
As Sirius, go to Wilardo's room.
Check the room right of Sirius's room.
Go to bed in Sirius's room.
Proceed ahead.
Clear all four stages of the balloon-popping game.
(Go for the high-point balloons first, but try to minimize how much you have to move the cursor.)
(Also, you can hold Shift to make the cursor move faster.)
Check Ashe.
Go to Ashe's room and look on top of his bed.
Return to Sirius's room and go to the back.
Leave the fantasy space.
Go to Sirius's room.
Win the fight.
Battle tips:
Keep your distance to stay away from his knife dash; its range is shorter than the gun's.
His special is throwing three knives; as soon as it happens, make sure you aren't in his direct line of sight.
Read the diary, and read the "Red Jewels" book in the back area.
(You can choose "skip" if you've read it before.)
Also, open the leftmost closet in the back area.
Leave the room.
Go to Noel's room and check the bottom-right corner of the carpet.
After the credits, go to Noel's room.
After Wilardo's scenario, proceed to Ashe's if you haven't done it yet.
If you've done both, but not the bad ending, take the left warp and agree to trade rooms with Ashe.
Once you have three shards from the two full scenarios and bad ending, you can do Sirius's scenario.
Sirius's Scenario (Unknown Past, Dorothy's Secret)
Day 2
[You're given the choice to skip past the following steps.]
Put on the dress in the left dresser.
Go to the dining room for breakfast.
Go to the bathroom (2F, left of the guest rooms) to take a bath.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Day, Monster Level 9)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Talk to Sirius in his room.
After doing the demon requests and talking to Sirius, go to the dining room and make lunch.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Sirius, Day, Monster Level 10)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Go to the room right of Sirius's room and check the diary in the center.
Talk to Wilardo in his room.
Talk to Claire standing outside Sirius's room.
Win the boss fight.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Night, Monster Level 11)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Talk to Charlotte in the attic back room to get the request to find her doll.
Get it from Lime's Crane Game (bottom-right door in Charlotte's Neon Space, door in back), then return it.
You must also meet the mermaid in the Very Very Very Very Bottom of the Ocean if you haven't yet.
Go to bed.
Day 3
Go to the dining room for breakfast.
Talk to Wilardo in his room.
Talk to Claire in her room.
Talk to the eyeball monster in the attic back room and win their game. (Solution)
Talk to Ashe in his room.
Go to the attic and talk to the cupcake monster. Follow its directions, and open the chest.
Talk to Ashe in his room.
Leave the room.
Go to Sirius's room.
Go to the dining room for dinner.
Talk to Ashe.
Go to the guest room hallway and defeat the monsters.
Check Noel's door.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Night, Monster Level 12)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Go where Lime's Crane Game normally is: go right from the Attic, enter the bottom-right door in Charlotte's Neon Space, and follow Charlotte into the door.
(This sequence also counts as a request.)
After doing three requests and the tea party, you're allowed to go down to 1F.
Go to Sirius's room.
Day 4
Walk down and right a little to find Sirius.
Catch up to Sirius a total of ten times. (If you lose him, find Lime to get brought together.)
Find the EXIT sign and go through.
Proceed through the puzzle rooms.
(The spinning tiles give you checkpoints; press X or Escape to restart if you get stuck.)
In the rest area, check the door, then talk to Sirius.
Go through the door and make it to the end.
(Falling off or getting hit will take 1 HP and return you to the last checkpoint.)
Win the fight.
Battle tips:
Dodge the flames until she comes down.
When she lands, an orange crystal comes out. Hit it to make her vulnerable, then let loose.
(If you just stand in front of her and mash Attack, you'll activate the orange crystal immediately.)
You're most safe staying on the row one above Claire, and just moving left or right on that row.
Don't forget about using your special (Shift + Attack) for some extra damage.
After the credits, check Noel's room.
Head out the front door.
After Sirius's scenario, proceed to Noel's.
Noel's Scenario (Mansion Riddles, Fantasy Worlds)
Day 2
[You're given the choice to skip past the following steps.]
Put on the dress in the left dresser.
Go to the dining room for breakfast.
Go to the bathroom (2F, left of the guest rooms) to take a bath.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Day, Monster Level 13)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Talk to Ashe in his room.
Take a nap in bed.
Go to the dining room.
Play hide and seek.
(Possible hiding spots are behind trees, in trees (shake the trunk), in barrels, or at the end of the bridge.)
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Night, Monster Level 14)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Go to Lime's room for a scene which also counts as a request.
After that scene, meet Rouge (use the Magic Broom to fly south of the Fishing Pond).
Go to bed.
Walk over to Noel's room, then go in and talk to him.
Day 3
Go all the way left, avoiding the monsters.
Put on the dress in the left dresser.
Go to the dining room for breakfast.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Day, Monster Level 15)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Talk to Sirius in his room.
Return to the guest room hallway.
Pass time by talking with monsters.
Charlotte, by the hourglasses, will tell you how much time remains (starts at 120 flips).
Each of the monsters you talk to subtracts 4 flips.
At 40, Zizel appears, as does a Spot-the-Difference Monster which subtracts the remainder. (Solution)
Afterward, talk to Charlotte.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Night, Monster Level 16)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Talk to Noel in his room.
Leave the room (if you didn't talk to him before completing requests), then talk to him again.
Go to bed.
Talk to Sirius in his room.
Go into the dining room.
Talk to Ashe in his room.
Go to Noel's room and talk to Rouge.
Day 4
Put on the dress in the left dresser.
Go to the dining room for breakfast.
Check Sirius's room.
Check Ashe's room.
Check Noel's room.
Check the body for a key.
Go to Ashe's room and check his bag to get the newspaper.
Check Sirius's room. (There isn't anything special inside, but it's required.)
Go to Wilardo's room.
Go to Noel's room.
Talk to Wilardo in his room.
Talk to Claire in her room.
Talk to Zizel on the left end of 2F.
Enter the flashing door in the attic.
Proceed ahead.
Hurry to the end.
Day 5
Read the sign.
Take the boat to the top-left.
At the end, get on the bed.
Go to Claire's room.
After Noel's scenario, you should have all five shards.
Save in the crystal room, then transfer that save to Witch's Heart -Bonus Stage-.
(Your save files are "SaveXX.lsd" in the Data folder, with XX being the slot number.)
Bonus Stage
Day 1
Go to the dining room.
As Sirius, go to Claire's room.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Night, Monster Level 17)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Talk to Ashe and Wilardo.
After doing the demon requests and talking to them, go to Noel's room.
Day 2
As Sirius, check the discolored floor tile in the right room.
Check the top-left dresser in the cellar.
Put on the dress in the left dresser.
Go to the dining room for breakfast.
Play hide and seek.
(As before, check behind trees, in trees, in barrels, and at the end of the bridge.)
Complete at least three demon requests. (Wilardo, Day, Monster Level 18)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Check Noel's door.
After doing the demon requests, check Noel's door again.
(If you didn't check it beforehand, you'll have to leave and re-enter the area first.)
As Sirius, go to the dining room and talk to Ashe in the kitchen.
As Ashe, head to Noel's room.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Night, Monster Level 19)
Done with requests? Resume here!
After doing the demon requests, talk to Lime in Claire's room.
As Ashe, defeat all the enemies, then talk to Noel.
Go around the mansion and put all the enemies to sleep.
Day 3
Go to the dining room for breakfast.
Return to the guest room hallway.
Go to the dining room and make lunch.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Day, Monster Level 20)
Done with requests? Resume here!
After doing the demon requests, go to the windows on the left end of 2F.
Go to Claire's room and talk to Zizel.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Noel, Night, Monster Level 21)
Done with requests? Resume here!
After doing the demon requests, return to the guest room hallway.
Go to the bathroom to have Claire take her bath.
Talk to Noel in his room.
Go to Claire's room and talk to Zizel.
Day 4
Go to the dining room and talk to Claire in the kitchen.
Return to Ashe's room and go to bed.
Go to the dining room and talk to Ashe in the kitchen.
Go to the Very Very Very Very Bottom of the Ocean and dive in the pond.
Talk to the eyeball monster on the clam and win their game. (Solution)
Go to the dining room for lunch.
Go up the vine to Forest Space and talk to Sirius on the bench.
Go to Rouge's World (dive in Very Bottom of the Ocean, enter door, take right warp) and climb the new ladder just left of the warp. Talk to Ashe.
Go to the dining room and talk to Wilardo.
Return to the guest room hallway.
Go to Ashe's room and talk to him.
Make your way to the end.
If you save in the crystal room, you can transfer that save to any of the conclusion games.
(Your save files are "SaveXX.lsd" in the Data folder, with XX being the slot number.)
Sirius's Conclusion
Day 2
Complete at least three demon requests. (Claire, Day, Monster Level 22)
Done with requests? Resume here!
After doing the demon requests, go to the kitchen and check the frying pan to make steak.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Sirius, Day, Monster Level 23)
Done with requests? Resume here!
After doing the demon requests, go to Wilardo's room and talk to Wilardo or Claire.
After that scene, go down to 1F. As Claire, go down to 1F.
Defeat the boss monster.
As Noel, go to the dining room and sit down.
As Claire, go to the guest room hallway.
Go to the bathroom to have Claire take her bath.
Go to Sirius's room.
As Noel, go to the attic back room.
Run around and catch the cat three times.
Go to Sirius's room.
Go outside the room.
Day 3
Go to the dining room and talk to Claire.
Go back to Ashe's room.
Leave the dining room.
Go to Sirius's room.
As Wilardo, go to Sirius's room and talk to Sirius/Claire.
Go to the dining room and talk to Ashe.
Go to the guest room hallway and enter the open door.
Go to Noel's room.
Find all the dust spots around the mansion and complete the cleaning minigame at each.
(The layouts always come in the same order. See solutions for each layout here.)
Note that there's a scene in the empty room by Sirius's, after which you can enter Wilardo and Ashe's rooms.
- 2F Hallway Right (x2)
- Claire's Room
- 2F Hallway Left
- Bath
- 2F End Room
- Attic (x2)
- Attic Back Room
- 1F Hallway Left
- Dining Room (x2)
- 1F Hallway Right
- Entrance Hall (x2)
- Room Next to Sirius's
- Wilardo's Room (after diary scene)
- Ashe's Room (after diary scene)
After finishing, go up the vine to Forest Space and enter the cabin.
Go to the Herbarium via the tube in the top-right of Forest Space.
Enter the top-right door. Talk to the eyeball monster and win their game. (Solution)
Go to the guest room hallway and check Noel.
Complete at least three demon requests. (Sirius, Night, Monster Level 24)
Done with requests? Resume here!
After doing the demon requests, go to the west end of 2F.
Go to Bar Whimsy in Rouge's World.
Go to Ashe's room.
Go to Bar Whimsy and talk to the bartender.
Go to Ashe's room.
(Note: Giving Ashe the photo is the point of no return for collecting Rainbow Crystals and upgrading Sirius's stats before endgame boss fights.)
Day 4
Check the paper on the table.
Check on Claire.
Check the shelves to get books. You can throw 3 before having to restock at a bookshelf.
Battle tips:
Keep your distance to stay away from his knife dash; its range is shorter than the book throw.
His special is throwing three knives; as soon as it happens, make sure you aren't in his direct line of sight.
Go up and check the portrait.
Try to leave the room.
Go to Noel's room. Check the bottom-right of the carpet.
Enter the tower.
Read the note, open the chest, and use the Green Heart Jewel on the door.
Floor 1: The goal on each floor is to light all the candles. Use Claire to push the balls blocking some of them.
Floor 2: Switch to Sirius to read the signs. Follow the directions to a candle and a switch that disables the flames. Return with Claire to get the candle behind balls. Light the others on the ground and get the Green Heart Jewel.
Floor 3: Enter the maze as Claire, switching to Sirius to deal with red eyeball demons that block the way, then back to Claire to push the balls.
Floor 4: Sirius can read the sign, but Claire must be the one to actually follow the directions (right 3, up 2, left 5) and push the ball out of the way. For the upper maze, as usual, use Claire to push the candy balls.
Floor 5: Go through the top-left path and bottom-right section with Claire. Do the top-right path with Sirius, then revisit it with Claire for the candle blocked by a ball.
Enter the magic circle as Claire. Open the chest and go through the door.
Battle tips:
Dodge attacks until a crystal appears.
If it's a purple crystal, go over and "check" it to bring Lime down.
If it's a blue crystal, press Up or Down (whichever's shown) to have Claire bring Lime down.
Once she's down, just wail on her.
Don't forget about using your special (Shift + Attack) for some extra damage.
Make your way to the entrance.
If you save in the bonus room, you can transfer that save to any of the other conclusion games.
(Your save files are "SaveXX.lsd" in the Data folder, with XX being the slot number.)
Wilardo's Conclusion
Day 2
Complete at least three demon requests. (Wilardo, Day, Monster Level 22)
Done with requests? Resume here!
Talk to Claire in her room.
Go to Sirius's room.
Talk to the kaleidoscope monster in the attic, and head through the Aurora Space.
(The path will be blocked if you haven't yet finished with demon requests.)
After the scene, head back to the previous screen.
As Claire, talk to Ashe in his room.
Go to the circular flowerbed in the Aurora Space and talk to the person there.
As Wilardo, defeat the monsters.
Head right to the central area of 2F.
Go to the dining room and sit down.
As Claire, you'll begin a Star-collecting segment.
Stars are gained by just walking around the mansion or talking to people, and can be traded for various items in the Item menu.
Notably, there are some bonus scenes you can see at this point.
- Chicook's Restaurant: Trade 100 Stars for the corresponding ticket, and use it at the restaurant in Cake and Syringes. It's only usable as Claire at night, and locked off at some other points, so it's best to see it now.
- Flower Garden: Trade 100 Stars for the corresponding ticket, and give it to Monster Sophia in Fantasy and Sadness. It's only usable as Claire when she doesn't have a partner with her.
- Herbarium: Talk to Wilardo in the Herbarium during a Star-collecting segment. (No other conditions, except that the Herbarium will only be there if your save has completed Sirius's Conclusion.)
Go right of the attic to Charlotte's Neon Space, and head toward the bottom-right.
Go to the right side of 1F and talk to Wilardo at the painting.
After gathering enough stars to progress (a message will notify you), go to the bathroom (2F, left of the guest rooms) to take a bath.
As Wilardo, go to the guest room hallway.
As Claire, go to the left end of 2F and talk to Wilardo.
Day 3
Put on the dress in the left dresser. Go outside and walk down the hall.
Go to the dining room and make breakfast.
You'll begin another Star-collecting segment.
Go to the Aurora Space and talk to Ashe.
Go to Wilardo's room and talk to him.
After gathering enough stars to progress, return to the Aurora Space and talk to Ashe.
As Sirius, check all four doors in the guest room hallway. After the scene, check Noel's again.
General mechanics for the trials:
Your goal is to collect all the required items in the large box in the center of the blue room.
You can switch between the three rooms with the colored crystals.
You can only hold one item at a time, and can send items to other rooms with the carts.
(If it isn't there, flip the switch to call it back.)
If you're unfamiliar with nonogram puzzles, it may help to start from the easier ones at the bottom.
For the 10x10 ones, if you fail once, you can hit the button that appears next to it to skip it at the cost of Story Points.
Blue Star Gem
Open the gold chest in the blue room, then put it in the large center box.
Red Star Gem
Complete the eyeball monster's game in the red room. (Solution)
Open the chest behind the spikes, and send it on the cart to the blue room.
Flower Painting
Get the Colored Pencils behind the spikes in the red room.
Send them on the cart to the blue room.
Use them to draw on the blank canvas, then take the painting.
Strawberry Donut
Get the Strawberry Chocolate past the spikes in the blue room.
Send it on the left cart to the green room.
Go to the kitchen at the top and put it on the donut.
Send it on the cart to the blue room.
Pink Flower
Solve the bottom-left PicLogic puzzle in the green room. (Solution)
Send it on the cart to the blue room.
Christmas Wreath
Solve the bottom-right PicLogic puzzle in the green room. (Solution)
Send the Bell on the cart to the blue room, then to the red room.
Put it on the wreath, then send it on the cart to the blue room.
Playing Card
Solve/skip the center PicLogic puzzle in the green room. (Solution)
Send it on the cart to the blue room.
Empty Wine Glass
Solve/skip the top-left PicLogic puzzle in the green room. (Solution)
Send the Wine Glass on the cart to the blue room, then to the red room, where Wilardo will drink it.
Send it back on the cart to the blue room.
Solve/skip the top-right PicLogic puzzle in the green room. (Solution)
Send the Key on the cart to the blue room, then use it to open the blue chest.
Green Star Gem
Open the gold chest that appears in the green room after completing all PicLogic puzzles.
Send it on the cart to the blue room.
As Noel, go down to the dining room.
As Zizel, talk to Tiara sitting on one of the long sofas.
Talk to Charlotte sitting in the fancy carpet area.
Find the brown door and enter the password: "bangbangji."
As Claire, you'll begin another Star-collecting segment.
Note that this is the last one, so it's your last chance to collect Stars for the trade items.
Optionally (though it does give 20 Stars), talk to the neon guards on the right of the attic.
Go to the Aurora Space.
After gathering enough stars to progress, go to the bathroom to take a bath.
As Zizel, talk to Tiara sitting on one of the long sofas.
As Claire, go to Wilardo's room.
Talk to the neon guards on the right of the attic.
Enter Lime's room in the bottom-right, and check the chest in the top-right.
Day 4
Go to the right side of 1F and check the person by the painting.
Go up to the rightmost door in the guest room hallway.
Equip the Lighter in your inventory if you don't already have it equipped.
Read the paper on the desk in the middle.
Check the window. Go out the window, then proceed along the path.
Go to the dining room and talk to Ashe.
Go to the Aurora Space. Leave after the scene.
Go to the guest room hallway.
As Sirius, go to the guest room hallway.
As Ashe, go to the guest room hallway.
After a few scenes, you will be given a choice that determines your route.
Note that you will be able to return to this choice easily after the ending.
For the first option ("To find my own way to live"), refer to "Route A."
For the second option ("To sleep, because I'm tired"), refer to "Route B."
Route A
Day 4 Continued
As Ashe, go to the left end of 2F and talk to Wilardo.
As Claire, go to the left end of 2F and talk to Wilardo.
Day 5
As Wilardo, walk into the magic circle.
Increase stats at the vending machine if you wish, then shoot the enemy and go to the next room.
Shoot the enemies.
You can only defeat blue enemies at first, then teal at level 2, then green, etc.
Using your special on an enemy gives double experience, letting you level up quicker.
You should aim to use your special on higher-level enemies to get the most out of it.
Once you hit level 4, you can reach the exit in the bottom-left.
As Claire, check the door at the bottom. Walk near the top-right of the area you're in.
After doing both these things, check on Ashe.
As Wilardo, heal up and save if you wish before the next room.
Shoot the enemies to level up like before.
Note that they'll sometimes assume a slime form that can fly over pits.
Once you reach the max level, you can reach the exit at the bottom.
Route B
Day 4 Continued
As Noel, check Ashe's door.
Talk to Wilardo on the left end of 2F.
As Claire, check Wilardo's door.
Day 5
Go to Wilardo's room.
As Claire, walk down the guest room hallway.
If you save in the bonus room, you can transfer that save to any of the other conclusion games.
(Your save files are "SaveXX.lsd" in the Data folder, with XX being the slot number.)
(NOTE: Sirius's Conclusion has not yet been updated to support transferring from Wilardo's.)
Demon Request Reference
Each time the "fulfill demon wishes" screen comes up, you must do 3 requests to pass time, after which you can advance the plot.
Any additional requests done after the 3 required (or outside a "request sequence" entirely) gives you a Rainbow Crystal. (Note that you're limited to 20 per request session.)
Rainbow Crystals can be used to increase character stats and, starting in Bonus Stage, do some optional events. (If you overspent on stats, Bonus Stage introduces a way to convert stats back into Rainbow Crystals.) Other than that, there's no real need to get them if you just want to progress the plot.
In some cases, a specific request unique to that time is required to advance; these are indicated in the main walkthrough. There are a few special actions like flipping switches that also count as "requests."
New demons appear based on a Monster Appearance Level, which goes up at the start of each "request sequence" (the first is Level 1, then 2, etc.). There are also things that only appear when controlling specific characters, or only during the day/night.
Many areas are blocked off with obstacles requiring unique equipment. You obtain one of these items after each main scenario. If you get stuck near the start of a new scenario, search the guide for things requiring the new item you got.
If you start a new game from Bonus Stage or later (rather than transferring a save), most side events will be uncompleted. The only exceptions to this are required events from previous games, like first meetings with characters and day-specific scenes.
Bold entries are things that count as a "fulfilled request" (passes time or gives a Rainbow Crystal) when you do them. Italics entries in [ brackets ] are key items in the area that are used for requests, or other things of note.
Monster Level Reference
Your current level is not made visible, so this list indicates what they'll be at each request session (on a first playthrough of each scenario). Since you can do Ashe and Wilardo's scenarios in either order, the first will cover Levels 1-4, and the second will cover Levels 5-8.
- Level 1: Ashe Day 2a (as Claire) / Wilardo Day 2a (as Claire)
- Level 2: Ashe Day 2b (as Ashe) / Wilardo Day 2b (as Wilardo)
- Level 3: Ashe Night 2 (as Claire) / Wilardo Night 2 (as Claire)
- Level 4: Ashe Night 3 (as Claire) / Wilardo Night 3 (as Wilardo)
- Level 5: Wilardo Day 2a (as Claire) / Ashe Day 2a (as Claire)
- Level 6: Wilardo Day 2b (as Wilardo) / Ashe Day 2b (as Ashe)
- Level 7: Wilardo Night 2 (as Claire) / Ashe Night 2 (as Claire)
- Level 8: Wilardo Night 3 (as Wilardo) / Ashe Night 3 (as Claire)
- Level 9: Sirius Day 2a (as Claire)
- Level 10: Sirius Day 2b (as Sirius)
- Level 11: Sirius Night 2 (as Claire)
- Level 12: Sirius Night 3 (as Claire)
- Level 13: Noel Day 2 (as Claire)
- Level 14: Noel Night 2 (as Claire)
- Level 15: Noel Day 3 (as Claire)
- Level 16: Noel Night 3 (as Claire)
- Level 17: Bonus Stage Night 1 (as Claire)
- Level 18: Bonus Stage Day 2 (as Wilardo)
- Level 19: Bonus Stage Night 2 (as Claire)
- Level 20: Bonus Stage Day 3 (as Claire)
- Level 21: Bonus Stage Night 3 (as Noel)
Since the conclusions can be done in any order, their levels will be given the other way around. Notably, though, the monster level does not continue to increase across conclusions; even if you transfer from one conclusion to another, it just resets to 22, although other progress is kept.
- Sirius's Conclusion Day 2a (as Claire): Level 22
- Sirius's Conclusion Day 2b (as Sirius): Level 23
- Sirius's Conclusion Night 3 (as Sirius): Level 24
- Wilardo's Conclusion Day 2 (as Wilardo): Level 22
- Entrance Hall
- 1F Hallway Right Side
- 1F Hallway Left Side
- 2F Hallway Left End
- 2F Hallway Right Side
- Attic
- Attic Back Room
Entrance Hall
Mystery Creature (Level 2, Claire)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Mystery Creature (Level 2, Ashe)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Mystery Creature (Level 2, Wilardo)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Mystery Creature (Level 2, Sirius)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
1F Hallway Right Side
Hot-Headed Monster (Level 1)
Fill the Bottle with water and splash it on the monster.
Monster Sharon (Level 4)
After talking to her, her handkerchief will appear in the bottom-right corner of Charlotte's Neon Space. Get it and give it back to her.
RPS Hand (Level 5)
Talk to the hand and choose Scissors to win.
1F Hallway Left Side
Tragedy Monster (Level 4)
View the tragedy and return.
Mystery Creature (Level 5, Claire)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
2F Hallway Left End
Hot-Headed Monster (Level 1)
Fill the Bottle with water and splash it on the monster.
Mystery Creature (Level 2, Ashe)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Mystery Creature (Level 6, Wilardo)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Hot-Headed Monster (Level 1)
Fill the Bottle with water (such as from the nearby pot) and splash it on the monster.
[ Mystery Creature Mom (Level 2) ]
The monster who you deliver all Mystery Creatures to. Must talk to her once before you can catch the creatures.
Mystery Creature (Level 2, Ashe)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Monster Cook Right (Level 3)
Has five requests to make a Special Stew.
Special Onion
Fish at the Fishing Pond until you get it.
Special Potato (Level 9)
Fish at the Very Very Very Very Bottom fishing pond until you get it.
Special Carrot (Magic Broom)
Use the Magic Broom in the Forest Space to get on top of the cave on the left.
Special Stew Mix (Level 17)
Dive into the Fishing Pond and open the lower chest.
Deep Sea Fish (Level 17)
After giving the four Special ingredients, bring five Deep Sea Fish (Medium) to finish the Special Stew. You can then fill your Bottle with it. It can be used to recover health, or be given to monsters.
Monster Cook Left (Level 8)
Has two requests for "Special" parfait ingredients.
Special Cream
In the Candy Space.
Special Strawberry (Magic Broom)
Use the Magic Broom in Charlotte's Neon Space to reach and take the strawberry.
Monster Marle (Level 8)
Get the Embryo by fishing at the Fishing Pond until you get it. Give it to her, then name the baby to fulfill a second request.
Monster Dalton Request 1 (Level 11)
Give him Wine (fill the Bottle from the small barrels in Wilardo's room) to fulfill one request.
Monster Dalton Request 2 (Magic Broom)
After bringing Wine, bring him Ultimate Wine from the tower of wine glasses in Rouge's World.
Attic Back Room
Plant Ghost (Level 2)
Fill the Bottle with water (such as from the barrels in the corner), and water the small plant next to it.
Mystery Creature (Level 2, Wilardo)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Mirror (Claire with Ashe)
While playing as Claire accompanied by Ashe (such as on Ashe's Day 3), look toward the mirror, then walk away.
Candle Monster (Lighter)
With the Lighter, light the two candlestands and talk to the monster that appears.
Charlotte (Sirius's Scenario Day 2 Night)
Talk to Charlotte. Go to Lime's Crane Game and grab the pink Rabi Doll. Return and give it to her.
RPS Hand (Level 13)
Talk to the hand and choose Rock to win.
Mystery Creature (Level 12, Sirius)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster. (Note: Prior to Bonus Stage, there's only a small window of being Sirius at Level 12+ (before breakfast in Noel's scenario) unless you replay scenarios.)
Fishing Pond [Night]
Location: At night, go up the ladder on the right side of the 2F Hallway Right (guest rooms).
You can fish up a bunch of things if you stop the gauge close enough to the max.
There's a 2.5% chance to catch a big fish, which gets you a Stuffed Bear (afterward, 5000 coins).
This counts as a request, and the Stuffed Bear is used for another request later.
(Note: What you'll catch next is chosen at random after each fishing attempt, and the shadow size is based on what that is. The result is also randomized every time you climb the ladder from the hallway; this approach may be a little faster when going for something specific.)
[ Special Onion ]
Another key item you can randomly fish up once (10% chance, it has the medium shadow). To be given to the blue Monster Cook (Level 3) in the attic.
[ Embryo ]
Another key item you can randomly fish up once (7.5% chance, it has the small shadow). To be given to Monster Marle, who appears in the attic at Level 8.
Oyster Monster (Level 2)
Give the oyster in the top-left a Rubbish Pearl from fishing.
Mystery Creature (Level 3, Claire)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
[ Red Ornament (Magic Wand) ]
Use the Magic Wand on the pentagram door by the pond and talk to the gingerbread man. To be put on the Christmas tree.
[ Red Ribbon Ornament (Magic Broom) ]
With the Magic Broom, fly over to the ledge beside the ladder. To be put on the Christmas tree.
Stairs Switch (Magic Broom)
Use the Magic Broom to fly to the ledge right of the ladder, and pull the switch to make stairs.
Mystery Creature (Magic Broom, Claire)
Through the door on the ledge right of the ladder. Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Monster Jiji (Magic Broom, Day)
Appears at the bottom of the ladder only during the day. Here's how to reach them: First, at night, enter the door right of the ladder and get in the bed. This enables you to warp both ways. Then, during the day, enter Star Town from the Entrance Hall pentagram, and enter the bed (in the top-left house).
[ Special Stew Mix (Level 17) ]
Dive into the fishing pond and open the lower chest. To be given to the red Monster Cook in the attic.
Stew Monster (Level 17)
Finish the Special Stew for the Monster Cook and Bottle it (at night). Dive into the fishing pond and give it to the monster.
Mystery Creature (Level 20, Noel)
Dive into the fishing pond. Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
[ Pillee (Level 22) ]
Either use Lighter on it to get a random item drop, or catch in Bottle and feed to a Froggee.
Rouge's World [Night, Magic Broom]
Location: From the Fishing Pond, with the Magic Broom, fly south and use the Magic Wand on the pentagram door. Also accessible via Very (x7) Bottom of the Ocean warp at Level 21.
Rouge's Intro
Climb the wine glass with the ladder and meet Rouge. (You must first see the Lime event on the night of Noel's Day 2.)
[ Ultimate Wine ]
You can fill the Bottle with Ultimate Wine from Rouge's wine glass tower. To be given to Monster Dalton at the bar in the attic.
Mystery Creature (Level 17, Claire)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Forest Fairy Pippi (Level 21)
Enter the door at the top. Reach Pippi.
Bar Whimsy (Level 21, Noel)
Bring Noel to the bar (via Very (x7) Bottom of the Ocean warp) and pay 5 Rainbow Crystals to have a drink with Sirius. (This will pass time, but will not give a Rainbow Crystal.) You can later pay Camela 7 Rainbow Crystals to view this scene.
A Rose for Rouge (Level 21, Noel)
Go to Rouge as Noel (via Very (x7) Bottom of the Ocean warp) with a Rose in your possession. However, she'll only be there if you haven't yet completed three requests.
Forest Space [Level 2]
Location: Water the plant that appears in the Attic Back Room starting at Level 2 and climb up.
Firefly Monster
Catch one of the fireflies outside in the Bottle, and take it to the monster in the right cave entrance.
Blockade Tree (Lighter)
Use the Lighter to burn the tree blocking the cabin.
Bridge Switch (Magic Wand)
Use the Magic Wand to open the left cave entrance, and pull the switch inside.
Mystery Creature (Level 2, Sirius)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Pyro Monster (Level 5)
Use the Lighter to light the nearby firewood.
[ Special Carrot (Magic Broom) ]
Use the Magic Broom to reach it on top of the cave on the left. To be given to the blue Monster Cook in the attic.
[ Gold Ribbon Ornament (Level 18) ]
Use the Deepsea Bubble to dive off the bridge into the water. To be put on the Christmas tree.
Froggee (Level 19)
Bring Froggee a Firefly from nearby, or a Pillee.
Pink Room [Magic Wand]
Location: In the Forest Space, use the Magic Wand to open the left cave entrance.
Forest Fairy Pippi
Enter the gold door and reach Pippi.
Mystery Creature (Level 12, Claire)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Teddy Monster (Level 16)
Bring the monster in the top-right the Stuffed Bear (from the Fishing Pond). You receive the Stocking Ornament, which can be put on the Christmas tree.
Changing Room [Bonus Stage]
Location: Enter the top-right door in the Pink Room.
Starting in Bonus Stage, once you've done Monster Sharon's handkerchief request, she'll take photos of whoever visits for 5 Rainbow Crystals. These events pass time, but won't grant a Rainbow Crystal. When you get everyone else's photo, Rouge's appears in the photo viewing room.
Claire's Photo (Claire)
Claire's photo has no special requirement.
Zizel's Photo (Claire)
Visit as Claire while Zizel is your "companion" (Bonus Stage Day 1 or 3, or conclusions). Requires Zizel's doll from maxing affection with her.
Sirius's Photo (Sirius)
Requires Sirius's doll from maxing affection with him.
Lime's Photo (Claire)
Visit as Claire while Lime is your "companion" (Bonus Stage Day 2), or pay Camela 7 Rainbow Crystals (conclusions). Requires Lime's doll from maxing affection with her.
Wilardo's Photo (Wilardo)
Requires Wilardo's doll from maxing affection with him.
Ashe's Photo (Ashe)
Requires Ashe's doll from maxing affection with him.
Noel's Photo (Noel)
Requires Noel's doll from maxing affection with him.
Charlotte's Photo (Claire)
Visit as Claire while Charlotte is your "companion" (Bonus Stage Day 4), or pay Camela 7 Rainbow Crystals (conclusions). Requires Charlotte's doll from maxing affection with her.
After Bonus Stage, if you have all the normal photos, you can go to the new gallery area and pay 10 Rainbow Crystals for two "premium" photos corresponding to which conclusion you're playing.
Claire & Sirius Photo
(Unknown Past, Dorothy's Secret)
Claire & Lime Photo
(Unknown Past, Dorothy's Secret)
Claire & Wilardo Photo
(Beautiful Flower, Demon's Curse)
Claire & Zizel Photo
(Beautiful Flower, Demon's Curse)
Painting Woods [Night]
Location: At night, check the painting in the bottom-right of the Entrance Hall when it's glowing.
Firefly Monster (Level 2)
Catch a Firefly in the Forest Space (which appears at Level 2) and bring it to the monster by the lake.
Monster Elder (Rafflesia)
Grow a Rafflesia from a seed (in Charlotte's Neon World) and wake up the elder in the middle cave with it. There's a Rafflesia Seed in a chest right next to the cave. If you lost it or something, you can fish up more from the fishing ponds (5% chance)
Wood Fence (Lighter)
Burn the fence on the right with the Lighter.
Forest Fairy Pippi (Magic Wand)
Inside the right cave (originally blocked by the fence), use the Magic Wand on the pentagram door. Reach Pippi.
Mystery Creature (Magic Broom)
Use the Magic Broom to get on top of the upper cave. Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Mystery Creature (Level 17, Claire)
Dive into the lake outside. Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Froggee (Level 18)
Bring Froggee (inside the right cave) a Firefly (from Forest Space or otherwise), or a Pillee.
[ Pillee (Level 22) ]
Either use Lighter on it to get a random item drop, or catch in Bottle and feed to a Froggee.
Tree Space [Night, Level 3]
Location: At night, a Mystery Creature-shaped hole appears in the Attic starting at Level 3.
Monster Sophia (Level 3) [Repeatable!]
Accepts Gerberas, Roses, and Lavenders.
You can give her these repeatedly, but she (temporarily) disappears after 5 fulfilled requests in that session (2 Rainbow Crystals). If you run out of things to do to pass time at night, this is always an option. (You can buy seeds from Zizel and grow them in Charlotte's Neon Space.)
Charlotte's Neon Space [Night, Level 4]
Location: At night, there's a hallway going right from the Attic starting Level 3. You can pass once you get Charlotte's permission (when you "properly" meet her after the Day 2 night requests).
Charlotte's Boredom (Ashe's Scenario Day 3)
Talk to Charlotte on the night of Day 3 in Ashe's scenario.
[ Flower Bed ]
You can plant seeds to grow them into flowers in the top-right flower bed. They grow from being watered, or just walking around.
[ Handkerchief ]
After talking to Monster Sharon in 1F Hallway Right Side (Level 4), it appears in the bottom-right corner. To be given back to Monster Sharon.
Charlotte and Invective (Wilardo's Scenario Day 3)
Talk to Charlotte with Invective.
Pyro Monster (Lighter)
Use the Lighter to light the nearby firewood.
[ Special Strawberry (Magic Broom) ]
Use the Magic Broom to reach and take the strawberry. To be given to the red Monster Cook in the attic.
Lime Event (Noel's Scenario Day 2)
Approach the door to Lime's room for a scene.
Lime's Candy Room [Night, Level 6]
Location: A door in Charlotte's Neon Space that appears when you press the switch in Candy Space.
Lime's Intro
Talk to Lime for the first time.
Lime's Crane Game [Night, Level 6]
Location: A door in Lime's Candy Room (appears after your first meeting).
[ Candy Cane Ornament ]
Win it from the crane game. It appears after putting the Gingerbread Ornament on the Christmas tree, and is itself to be put on the tree.
Candy Space [Level 6]
Location: In 2F Hallway Left End, starting at Level 6, a gingerbread man appears who warps you there.
[ Special Cream ]
Go down from the start and to the right to reach it. To be given to the red Monster Cook (Level 8) in the attic.
Gingerbread Man
Talk to the gingerbread man toward the right and eat him. You can then pick up the Gingerbread Ornament, which can be put on a Christmas tree later.
Hit the switch in the bottom-right. It creates the door to Lime's room in Charlotte's Neon Space.
Target (Wilardo)
As Wilardo, go to the upper-right section, face the target in the very upper-right, and check the wall to shoot it.
Anger Monster (Level 12)
View the anger and return.
Mystery Creature (Magic Broom, Claire)
Use the Magic Broom to fly down below. Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Froggee (Level 22)
Bring Froggee a Firefly (from Forest Space or otherwise), or a Pillee.
Forest Fairy Pippi (Level 22)
Enter Pippi's newly-appeared house and talk to him.
Funding Fairy Pippi (Level 22)
Donate a total of 20,000 coins to Pippi.
Funding Fairy Pippi 2 (Level 22)
Donate a total of 40,000 coins to Pippi.
Funding Fairy Pippi 3 (Level 22)
Donate a total of 80,000 coins to Pippi.
Funding Fairy Pippi 4 (Level 22)
Donate a total of 100,000 coins to Pippi.
Christmas Space [Magic Wand]
Location: From the lower-left exit in Candy Space. Requires Magic Wand to get past the glowing blocks. With the Deepsea Bubble, you can warp here from the Very (x7) Bottom of the Ocean.
Monster Snow
Has a lot of requests for ornaments to put on the tree.
Gingerbread Ornament
Dropped after eating the gingerbread man in Candy Space.
Candy Cane Ornament
Win it from Line's crane game; it appears after putting the Gingerbread Ornament on the tree.
Red Ornament
Use the Magic Wand on the pentagram door by the Fishing Pond and talk to the gingerbread man.
Blue Ornament (Magic Broom)
In the side area on the very right of the Very Very Very Very Bottom of the Ocean, use the Magic Broom to reach it on the ledge.
Red Ribbon Ornament (Magic Broom)
With the Magic Broom, fly over to the ledge beside the ladder leading to the Fishing Pond.
Stocking Ornament (Level 16)
Get the Stuffed Bear by fishing at the Fishing Pond. Give it to the monster in the bed in the Pink Room (appears Level 16).
Gold Ribbon Ornament (Level 18)
In Forest Space, use the Deepsea Bubble to dive off the bridge into the water.
Yellow Ornament (Level 20)
Enter the southeast cave in Fantasy and Sadness and talk to the gingerbread man.
Purple Ornament (Level 22)
Enter the top-left house in Cake and Syringes and open the chest.
Mystery Creature (Level 15, Claire)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Mystery Creature (Level 18, Noel)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster. (Noel can reach Christmas Space via the Very (x7) Bottom of the Ocean warp.)
Froggee (Level 20)
Bring Froggee a Firefly (from Forest Space or otherwise - Fantasy and Sadness isn't far if you use the warps), or a Pillee.
[ Pillee (Level 22) ]
Either use Lighter on it to get a random item drop, or catch in Bottle and feed to a Froggee.
Star Town [Magic Wand]
Location: Use the Magic Wand on the pentagram painting in the Entrance Hall. (You can also reach it with Magic Broom by flying to the door right of the Fishing Pond ladder.)
Forest Fairy Pippi
Enter the bottom-ish-left house and reach Pippi.
Comedy Monster (Level 15)
In the far-right house near the bottom, view the comedy and return.
Froggee (Level 17)
Bring Froggee (inside the house below the top-leftmost house) a Firefly (from Forest Space or otherwise), or a Pillee.
Stew Monster (Level 17)
Finish the Special Stew for the Monster Cook and Bottle it (at night). Dive into the water on the right, enter the door, and give it to the monster.
[ Pillee (Level 22) ]
In the bottom-most house. Either use Lighter on it to get a random item drop, or catch in Bottle and feed to a Froggee.
Rose Planter (Level 24)
Plant a Rose Seed in it.
Very Very Very Very Bottom of the Ocean [Level 9]
Location: In the Attic, starting at Level 9, a fish appears who warps you there.
Mermaid Encounter (Claire)
Try to approach the mermaid at the top-middle for a scene.
[ Special Potato ]
A key item you can fish up at the fishing pond here (10% chance, it has the medium shadow). To be given to the blue Monster Cook in the attic.
[ Pocketwatch ]
A key item you can fish up at the fishing pond here (7.5% chance, it has the small shadow). To be given to the monster in the secret area behind the waterfall.
Pyro Monster
Use the Lighter to light the firewood in the bottom-right.
Oyster Monster
Give the oyster in the top-left a Rubbish Pearl, either from the clams around this area or from fishing.
Mystery Creature (Claire)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Fish Monster [Repeatable]
You can feed the fish in the top-right Deep Sea Fish to fill its hunger (10 Smalls in total, Mediums count for 2). Each time you fill the bar, it counts as a fulfilled request, and it'll get hungry again when you leave the area. Since there's a pond right there, this ensures you always have an option for passing time.
Mystery Creature (Level 10, Sirius)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Forest Fairy Pippi (Level 10)
Enter the door at the top and reach Pippi.
Monster Poko (Level 10)
In a hidden room behind the waterfall by the fishing pond. Give them the Pocketwatch you can fish up from the pond in front of the waterfall.
Monster Sheila (Level 10)
Talk to the mermaid after the first encounter. (May have to leave the area first.) Give her 5 Mermaid Scales.
There's one in the hidden area behind the waterfall, and one in the Pippi maze behind the door (appears at Level 10). There are also two in the main area, which require the Magic Wand and Magic Broom respectively. There's one in the Ocean Side Room to the far right, which requires the Magic Broom.
There's a 4% chance of fishing up unlimited Mermaid Scales from the ocean fishing pond, or 2.5% from the other. Lastly, you can just buy Mermaid Scales from Lime between scenarios.
[ Pillee (Level 22) ]
Either use Lighter on it to get a random item drop, or catch in Bottle and feed to a Froggee.
Lavender Planter (Level 23)
Plant a Lavender Seed in it.
Ocean Side Room [Magic Broom]
Location: With the Magic Broom, fly to the right of the Very Very Very Very Bottom of the Ocean. Use the Magic Wand on the pentagram door.
[ Blue Ornament ]
Use the Magic Broom to reach it on the ledge. To be put on the Christmas tree.
Fast Fish (Level 15)
Catch the really fast fish.
Froggee (Deepsea Bubble)
Dive into the water and bring Froggee a Firefly (from Forest Space or otherwise), or a Pillee.
Forest Fairy Pippi (Level 19)
Dive into the water and enter the upper door. Reach Pippi.
Mystery Creature (Level 23, Claire)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Very (x7) Bottom of the Ocean [Deepsea Bubble]
Location: Use the Deepsea Bubble to dive into the fishing pond in Very Very Very Very Bottom of the Ocean.
Lucy Intro (Deepsea Bubble)
Enter the center room and talk to Lucy on the left.
Mystery Creature (Level 18, Wilardo)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Undersea Kelp (Level 18)
Enter the top-left door and burn the kelp to the left.
Forest Fairy Pippi (Level 18)
Enter the left room. Reach Pippi.
Stew Monster (Level 19)
Finish the Special Stew for the Monster Cook and Bottle it (at night). Give it to the monster.
Fantasy and Sadness [Level 20]
Location: Enter the top-left door in Very (x7) Bottom of the Ocean. Go north and enter the warp. At Level 22, an entrance also appears at the top of Tree Space.
Mystery Creature (Claire)
Fly on top of the large fish-shaped island to the north. Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Bring Froggee (enter the cave northeast of where you enter) a Firefly from nearby, or a Pillee.
[ Yellow Ornament ]
Enter the southeast cave and talk to the gingerbread man. To be put on the Christmas tree.
Flower Fairy Poppi
Reach the large fish-shaped island to the north by flying or going through the northeast cave. Enter the left cave entrance, and turn on the monitor.
Gerbera Planter (Level 22)
Plant a Gerbera Seed in it.
Herbarium [Level 22, Sirius C.]
Location: Appears when you play Sirius's Conclusion, and will carry over to conclusions played after it. Check the tube in the top-right of Forest Space. Can also be accessed through a new cave entrance in Fantasy and Sadness.
Mystery Creature (Claire)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Lavender Planter
In the room with Monster Sophia. Plant a Lavender Seed in it.
Froggee (Sirius)
Dive into the water in the top-left room. Defeat the red demons using Sirius. Bring Froggee a Firefly (from Forest Space or otherwise), or a Pillee.
Forest Fairy Pippi (Sirius)
Enter the middle-left door. Reach Pippi; you need to be Sirius to defeat the demons in the way.
Stew Monster (Level 23)
Finish the Special Stew for the Monster Cook and Bottle it (at night). Give it to the monster through the top-left door.
Cake and Syringes [Level 22, Wilardo C.]
Location: Appears when you play Wilardo's Conclusion, and will carry over to conclusions played after it. (At least, this is my assumption until Sirius's Conclusion gets updated.) Take the new upper exit in Candy Space. Also accessible from the stack of pancakes in the top-left of the Pink Room.
Mystery Creature (Wilardo)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
Forest Fairy Pippi
Enter the large top-middle building. Reach Pippi.
Catching Pomma
Talk to Mr. R by the wall in the lower part of the area, then bring Pomma running around the upper part of the area to him.
[ Purple Ornament ]
In a chest inside the top-left house. To be put on the Christmas tree.
Stew Monster
Finish the Special Stew for the Monster Cook and Bottle it (at night). Give it to the monster.
Gerbera Planter
Plant a Gerbera Seed in it.
Aurora Space [Level 22, Wilardo C.]
Location: This version is only in Wilardo's Conclusion. Talk to the kaleidoscope monster that appears in the attic early in Day 2.
Mystery Creature (Wilardo)
Catch in Bottle and take to attic monster.
After each scenario in Witch's Heart (except for the "common bad ending"), a flashback story unlocks in the room between Zizel and Lime's shops. Portraits also appear there for each character whose scenario you do, plus their "associated demon" (and a Claire one for the bad ending). Bonus Stage has no flashbacks there, but the portraits update after completion.
You can choose to do Ashe and Wilardo's scenarios in either order. After completing those, as well as the common bad ending, Sirius's will be unlocked. After Sirius's, Noel's will be unlocked.
At the end of each scenario, Story Points are converted to Rainbow Crystals at a rate of 10 for one crystal. You generally get Story Points from the following things:
- Answering questions correctly during scenes.
- Finding optional plot-related things.
- Choosing "let's talk" with people at certain times.
- Playing any kind of optional minigame.
- Doing well in certain gameplay sequences.
- Defeating monsters.
You can exchange Rainbow Crystals to Zizel (between scenarios) or Coco (Bonus Stage and later) for stat increases, and purchase crystals at a rate of 10,000 coins each.
The Rainbow Crystal upgrade costs vary slightly between characters.
Claire: 2 for Health, 5 for Attack, 5 for Special
Ashe: 2 for Health, 5 for Attack, 5 for Special
Wilardo: 2 for Health, 5 for Attack, 6 for Special
Sirius: 3 for Health, 6 for Attack, 3 for Special
Noel: 2 for Health, 5 for Attack, 5 for Special
You have affection stats with each character which go up by giving them gifts and doing other things. At 50 affection, you get their doll to place on Claire's bedside table, which affects characters' stats. Having it also allows you to get their photo starting in Bonus Stage.
Ashe | Wilardo | Sirius | Noel | Zizel | Charlotte | Lime | Rouge | |
Deep Sea Fish (Small) | 1 | - | - | 1 | 1 | 5 | 3 | - |
Deep Sea Fish (Medium) | 2 | - | - | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | - |
Rubbish Pearl | - | - | 1 | 2 | 2 | - | - | - |
Mermaid Scale | 5 | 2 | 5 | - | 5 | - | - | 3 |
Amethyst Chunk | 5 | 2 | 5 | - | 5 | - | - | 3 |
Rose Seed | - | 3 | - | 3 | - | - | - | - |
Gerbera Seed | - | 3 | - | 3 | - | - | - | - |
Lavender Seed | - | 3 | - | 3 | - | - | - | - |
Rafflesia Seed | - | 3 | - | 3 | - | - | - | - |
Mystery Fossil | 5 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 1 | - | 1 |
Rose | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 5 |
Gerbera | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 1 | - |
Lavender | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 1 | - |
Rafflesia | - | 3 | - | 1 | 1 | - | 5 | - |
Diamond | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Each time starting Ashe/Wilardo/Sirius/Noel's scenario:
+20 to that character, +10 to associated demon (Charlotte/Zizel/Lime/Rouge)
Each play of Ashe/Wilardo/Sirius/Noel/Zizel's minigame:
+3 to that character
Talking to Ashe/Wilardo (choose one) when bringing the frying pan on Day 1:
+5 to chosen character
Checking Noel's room in the common bad ending:
+5 to Noel
Answering that Zizel is a Purebred after mermaid encounter:
+5 to Zizel
Choosing Charlotte/Zizel/Lime at tea party in Sirius's scenario:
+5 to chosen character
Each play of Lime's crane game:
+2 to Lime
Each item you get from a Lime-Brand Vending Machine:
+1 to Lime
- Claire Doll: Claire's Max HP +3
- Ashe Doll: Ashe's Max HP +3, Special Gauge +1
- Wilardo Doll: Wilardo's Max HP +3, Special Gauge +1
- Sirius Doll: Sirius's Max HP +3, Special Gauge +1
- Noel Doll: Noel's Max HP +3, Special Gauge +1
- Zizel Doll: Claire's Max HP +3, Special Gauge +1
- Charlotte Doll: Everyone's Max HP +3
- Lime Doll: Everyone's Special Gauge +2
- Rouge Doll: Everyone's Max HP +2, Special Gauge +1
Below is a list of all the songs used across the games. Beware of spoilers for their usage! They can be found in the Data/Music folders, with some (mostly jingles) being in Sound.
Note that the Usage names are made up by me and are in no way official. You can mouse-over some names for specific uses (which can be much more spoilery). You can also mouse-over some filenames for original song titles (when not apparent from the filename).
All the music is from public resource sites (mostly free, some paid); they're not original songs made for the game. Do not reupload these songs elsewhere without permission from their respective creators.
Song List
Filename | Usage |
HauntedMansion | Title Screen |
Introduction | |
Prologue | |
tw006 | Storybook |
piano2_011 | Claire |
HandymansMarch | Ashe's Theme |
the-grown-neutral-tint | The Monster |
3_zon_kurau | Monster Noises |
Day 1 | |
Sound/n12 | New Day |
n48 | The Mansion |
atmosphere | Monster Encounter Sting |
v6 | Monsters Spotted |
sento | Run For It! |
r2 | Worry |
piano2_007 | Breaking Out |
2007ginjukai | Fantasy Space |
rhythm | Escape Charlotte |
GameOverJingle | Game Over |
bgm_maoudamashii_piano11 | Noel's Room |
Crossroad | Seeking the Truth |
d9 | Sirius's Theme |
Sound/st002 | Eyecatch Jingle |
piano4_012 | Wilardo's Room |
f2 | Want To Trade...? |
Sound/game_maou damashii_9 _jingle10 | Bedtime... |
Bad Ending | |
z9 | Hanging Dread |
z14 | Dead Silent |
z16 | Killer in Self-Defense |
k6 | Credits (Bad Ending) |
Intermission | |
n89 | Good Times |
PerituneMaterial_ Wish3_HarpOnly | Intermission Space |
n58 | Past Room |
Day 1 Continued | |
n37 | High-Low |
c2 | Ashe's Puzzles |
c6 | Flower Sorting |
f3 | Floor Dusting |
minimal_017 | Zizel's Theme |
Trick_or_treat | Night Attic |
2011tsukioru | Fishing Pond / Kaleidoscope |
n124 | Painting Woods |
cp03 | Rock, Paper, Scissors! |
darksky | The Tragedy Begins |
n75 | Dreaming of Patricia |
piano_004 | Claire Mellow |
Movie/witch's Heart OP | Opening |
tw015 | Scenario Select / Boss Defeated |
Ashe's Scenario | |
Day 2 | |
Sound/soundlogo36 | Another Side of the Story |
Sound/se_maou damashii_jingle02 | Dress Up! |
tw024 | Breakfast Chat |
Sound/ayashii | Help the Demons! |
Sound/birdland1 | Requests Complete! |
free14 | Carefree Days |
tw034 | Claire's Sweet Dreams |
free05 | Cooking |
Sound/soundlogo37 | Cooking Complete! |
piano2_002 | A Show of Kindness |
free0428 | Cakes and Mistakes |
free06 | Lunchtime Talk |
Clock_Hands_2 | Forest Space / Stardust Sea |
Bad_Luck | Buffoonery |
BitterStone | Brash Conversation |
054 | Ashe Mellow |
free0618 | Ashe's Scenario Boss |
huyukaraharuhe | Tree Space |
yamieyes | Charlotte's Theme |
Day 3 | |
Folklore | The Tragic Past |
092 | Carefree Conversation |
tw014b | Claire: It's Showtime! |
c17 | SCP vs. Wilardo |
Wired_Piano_#01_ | Screwing With Sirius |
Sound/piano1 | Ashe's Piano |
tw076 | Spot the Difference |
TheMagicDoorOpensAtNight | Charlotte's Neon Space |
r7 | Ghost Stories |
togisuma | Hangman's Tree |
yorunowaltz | Cinderella |
comicalpizzicato | The Most Important Part |
tsukiyonoayatsutriningyou | A True (?) Story |
shizumiyukutaiyou | A Grave Offense |
free0509 | Do You Have A Wish... |
Day 4 | |
death_sound2 | The Sound of Death |
r9 | Body Discovered |
DancingGrimNight | Monster Mash |
tokihiyoo_ | Dear Diary |
kaerou | Enduring |
r4 | Puzzled Claire |
free0252 | Tense Situation |
majo | Pondering |
090 | Levity |
081 | Noel's Mystery |
Day 5 | |
SilenceAndSettingSail | Investigation |
bgm_ohoshisama | Hell |
bgm_ohoshisama2 | Inversion |
R-Romance | Search Your Heart |
the_Pale_of_World | The Answer Revealed |
LaughAndLaugh | Easy As That |
song_yui_siroganenokobune | Credits |
free0332 | A Sad Conclusion |
free0603 | The Journey Continues |
free0212 | Final Results |
Intermission | |
LittleWorld | Patricia |
Sound/jazzjingle (1) | New Equipment! |
CommonplaceHappiness | A Soldier's Past |
Mist | Untimely End |
sayonara | The Beginning of the End |
Wilardo's Scenario | |
Day 2 | |
noranekonokuchibue | Fossil Appraisal |
m2 | Idle Talk |
Jelly_fish | Lime-inal Spaces |
077 | Wilardo's Scenario Boss |
Day 3 | |
Wonder | Noel's Fantasy |
SceneryOfThatDay | Kaleidoscope With... |
056 | Keeping It Inside |
Mystic_Room_ | Mystery and Past |
NightSkyAndStreetlights | Helpful Noel |
Day 4 | |
267 | Invective's Space / Deep Mystery |
m-art_SweetsOrSweets | Invective's Challenge |
m-art_MyPlace | Pursuing a Wish |
modulor_006 | Invective's Space Exit |
PeacefulSunbeams | A Quiet Moment |
i72001_ake | A Violent Turn |
m-art_WaltzForDullahan | To Kill For |
m-art_Fractal | Wilardo's Final Fight |
m-art_Rest | Glad You're Alive |
m-art_Drop | Wilardo's Scenario Finale |
m-art_Candle | Wilardo's Decision |
m-art_SilverMoon | Wilardo Epilogue |
Intermission | |
SunsShadow | Memories of Childhood |
HotcakeTime | Demon Party |
tam-g09 | Witches |
karetasora | Glimmer of Hope |
Sirius's Scenario | |
Day 2 | |
m-art_MotherInWood | Very... Bottom of the Ocean |
SilentSnow | Christmas Space |
OutOfTunePianoWaltz | Pink Room |
n119 | Star Town |
picopicomarch | Forest Fairy Pippi |
Monster_Rival | Claire's Fight (Featuring Sirius) |
Day 3 | |
Wired_Piano_#02__ | Sirius the Unswayed |
free0467 | You All Know Nothing! |
boukyakunopavane | Cursed Memory |
MathProblem_ | Sirius's Idea |
ToysDance | Fun With Lime |
free0545 | Farewell, Witch's Spawn |
Day 4 | |
99 | A Game of Tag |
FromFallingLeavesToSnowflakes | Just TELL Me!!! |
ThousandViews | Dorothy's Secret |
Go | Showdown |
m-art_ITSUKUSIMINOKIMI | Show of Courage |
free0474 | Sirius's Fight |
LullabyForTheWerewolf | Saved |
free0242 | Demon Meddling |
hosibosinosoko | Tears of a Monster |
silent_rose | Don't Cry... |
TranquilViews-Tower | Contemplation |
Intermission | |
ToAWorldOfFantasy | After the End of Everything |
MechanicalBall | Magic Broom |
Noel's Scenario | |
Day 2 | |
Immorality | Rouge's World |
free0354 | Wine Tower |
m-art_MeltyRose | Rouge's Theme |
i76006_kaze_fuwari | Chatting With Noel |
FaintCrush | Seeing Stars |
Day 3 | |
koto | Something I Shouldn't Forget |
PallidMoonlight | Shadowy Confrontation |
Day 4 | |
n3 | Questioning Noel |
ministryofrock | The Most Suspicious |
Day 5 | |
m-art_StonePavement | Demonic Dialogue |
m-art_PetitMagie | Run For Her Life |
m-art_Shine | A Push From Rouge |
PerituneMaterial_ Piano_Melancholy3 | Resolve |
tsukinokobune | Moon Boat |
piano4_013 | Tell Me Anything |
PerituneMaterial_ Piano_Melancholy2 | Everything I Wanted |
SeaBreeze | Prepared for the End |
Lovin'you | When Morning Comes |
Paranoia | The Mystery Killer |
Dark_Legends | True Despair |
song_mary_luna_ | Credits (Noel's Scenario) |
free0201 | In Vain |
Intermission | |
TimeBombWorld | A Waste of a Bet |
Bonus Stage | |
m-art_Elf | Bonus Stage Title |
Day 1 | |
SavePointyBGM | Deepsea Bubble |
i75010_hisomuikiwo_ | Enter the Bonus Stage |
m-art_CheshireCat | Undersea Shop |
VaseHome | Sweet Days |
Pumpkin_march | Look Who's Here! |
i72008_momoiro_cherry | Story-Lime! |
CloudPearl | One Last Chance |
Movie/whbsop | Bonus Stage Opening |
Day 2 | |
Sound/se_maou damashii_jingle01 | The Story Begins |
tsukinohikari | Fiona's Once-Home |
gairotounoakari | Princely Peace |
DreamLonging | Claire's Tears |
PerituneMaterial_Memories5 | Noel's Torment |
sakura2006 | Caring for the Frail |
VioletGarden_-Recollection- | Escape Without Me |
TravelerOfTime | Happy This Time |
MoonWaltz | Escape With Me |
free0419 | Defend the Mansion! |
m-art_Intrigue | I'll Make An Exception |
BlackDroplet | I Am A Witch |
VariationsForGame2- PeacefulSea | You're Not Lady Dorothy |
Spiderwort | Because of This... |
ClockLibrary | Think It Over |
Day 3 | |
TheLine-OldForestCabin | Wilardo's Youth |
VariationsForGame2- IntermediateTown | Picking Flowers |
m-art_RedBrick | Why Flowers? |
m-art_Korpokkur | Pleasant Bumbling |
im_soranosakana | Wilardo, My Son |
m-art_Craftsman | Flower Cavern |
free0549 | Unexpected Reunion |
MuscariFlower | A Special Request |
RemnantsOfGreen | The Dark Lily |
PerituneMaterial_ Shizima3_Piano | A Beautiful, Final Night |
HiroakiKonegawa-Acoustic- ALoveNamedCrystal | Years Go By |
im_yuuyami | Looking for Kindness |
PerituneMaterial_Wonder4 | The First Time |
Day 4 | |
TheLine-PathOfSnow | A Normal, Happy Life |
tutu2 | All Gone Wrong |
PerituneMaterial_Whisper | Fantasy and Sadness |
piano4_005 | Soak in Sentimentality |
kusaohamunousagi | Still in My Memory |
PerituneMaterial_Deep_Woods | Out of Options |
clock-hand1 | Ticking Down |
free0418 | Beyond Saving |
StoryOfAManAndADog | If It Would Help |
PerituneMaterial_Deep_Woods2 | Hell on Earth |
m-art_Betrayal | Here For One Thing |
20060718ougon | What Wishes Are |
20140913madaminu | We Go Together! |
SENTIVE_COSMOS | Break It To Pieces |
SongOfDistantDays | What Will It Be? |
free0352 | To One Last Story |
Intermission | |
free0322 | Your Rightful Bonus |
doll_GUGS | The Bonus Roulette |
Sirius's Conclusion | |
free0341 | Sirius's Conclusion Title |
Day 2 | |
piano4_001 | Past Memories |
Movie/whsiriop | Sirius's Conclusion Opening |
BoxReflectingWaveringFeelings | Herbarium |
tw052 | Claire's Fight 2 (Featuring Sirius) |
ForgottenTemple | Unfortunate Facts |
free0458 | Pulling the Strings |
Day 3 | |
ghosts | Your Fault |
free0227 | Major Cleanup |
m-art_Piano_etude | Nostalgic Meal |
free0249 | In Our Hands |
piano5_005 | Quiet Conversation |
Night_View | Bar Whimsy |
piano5_013 | Heartless Acts |
Fate | The Same All Along |
Tokiwokatarumono_ | Troubling Truth |
piano5_009 | Sad Remembrance |
Day 4 | |
TsumiCelesta_ | Switching Off |
i75016_x | Just Who I Expected |
free0217 | Protection From Danger |
free0442 | Enough Foolishness |
Smoky_Coffin | Big Bad Witch |
horabgm | Demonic Dream |
k8 | What Have I Done? |
Puppet_Skeleton | Candy Ascent |
MagicalForest | Claire, Transform! |
Tokyo_night | Witch's Flight |
PerituneMaterial_Lost_place3 | Welcome to Your Doom |
PerituneMaterial_Ice_Cave | Cooled Heads |
free0506 | Making a Stand |
PerituneMaterial_Raid_FolkMetal | Lime's Last Shot |
tw095 | No Way Out |
Day 5 | |
DullSpoon | E106's Conclusion |
ForestOfAtonement | Charlotte's Regret |
SadMemories | One Final Role |
ForgetMeNot | Kindness's Reward |
audiostock_181115_ed | Credits (Sirius's Conclusion) |
yume | Wavering Resolve |
free0351 | Waking From Nightmare |
PureFeelings | Thank You For Everything |
Wilardo's Conclusion | |
VariationsForGame2- ClassicalTheme | Wilardo's Conclusion Title |
Day 2 | |
Movie/Opening | Wilardo's Conclusion Opening |
EmotionWithAnUnknownName_ | Cake and Syringes |
BobbingDance_ | Hammy's House |
FriendlyCooking_ | Chicook's Restaruant |
ShadowLurkingInWoods | A Mysterious Encounter |
free0543 | Wilardo's Fight |
SummerVestiges_ | Flower Garden |
VariationsForGame2- SentimentalTheme | A Sad Fact |
Old_Blood | Tiara's Theme |
Kagerou_ | The Trial Ahead |
Day 3 | |
MarbleCoffee | Admiring Lime |
ScrewForward | An Astounding Treasure! |
Day 4 | |
the_ghost_house_ | Invective's Mansion |
PerituneMaterial_ World_OP2_Musicbox_loop | Invective's Past |
piano2_020 | Maria's Farewell |
"Live" Route | |
june6_015 | To Make Things Right |
20190612kouya | Battle For Their Lives |
Lonely explorer | Facing Destruction |
june6_006 | My Real Wish |
PerituneMaterial_Deep_Sea_loop | The Way Out |
Movie/Ending 2 | Credits (Wilardo's Conclusion) |
irishnokaze | Free to Live |
aquatic | Sticking Together |
"Sleep" Route | |
PerituneMaterial_Memories2 | Chasing a Last Chance |
Oborotsukiyo | Last Moments |
Movie/Ending 1 | Credits (Wilardo's Conclusion) |
Sunbeams | Flower Shop |
lost | Flowers For You |
Translation Notes
(These contain spoilers for all the games that make up Witch's Heart. Only read after you've beaten them fully.)