Photogenic Dragon

An anthropomorphic dragon woman sits and poses for a photo, her sharp-toothed mouth open in a smile. One of her clawed hands brushes through her hair, while another rests in front of her as if to inspect her nails. A long body/tail extends in a swooping path behind her, to which two sets of legs are attached: the first set come out of her skirt, looking at a glance like human legs splayed out, while the second set in the back just stick out from the sides of the tail haphazardly. Kneeling next to her is the photographer, an anthropomorphic fox-like woman who's small in comparison, holding her phone out with both hands to take a picture.

"Make sure you get my good side, with the legs! What? That's all my sides? Oh, honey, such a flatterer."

Posted May 4th, 2024


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